Activities Supporting the Strategic Plan
Find out more about the State Bar of Michigan's Strategic Plan.
Goal 1: The State Bar of Michigan provides resources to help all of its members achieve professional excellence and success in the practice of law and in service to the public.
Click on each of the strategies listed below the goals to see a list of State Bar of Michigan activities supporting each.
- Commission on Well-Being in the Law (SBM Support)
- Based on research from the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, the Michigan Supreme Court and the State Bar of Michigan worked collaboratively to create the Task Force on Well-Being in the Law, which was launched in May 2022 to answer the National Task Force’s call to action. The Task Force issued a report in August 2023 with an overarching recommendation that a Commission on Well-Being in the Law be established. The Court ordered the creation of the Commission in September 2023 (ADM 2023-1). The purpose of the Commission on Well-Being in the Law is to build upon the good work already accomplished by the Task Force and continue the forward momentum to change the climate of the legal culture by promoting well-being within the legal profession. The Commission works to foster an environment that encourages members of the legal profession, law students, and court staff to strive for greater mental, physical, and emotional health.
- eJournal
- The eJournal provides summaries of the latest opinions from the Michigan Supreme Court, the Michigan Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court. Each summary also includes a PDF of the featured opinion and identifies the judges, key issues, and relevant practice area(s). By offering timely, accurate, and easy-to-read summaries, the eJournal helps Michigan attorneys stay current on case law. Delivered by email five days per week, the summaries are also available online and in a searchable archive. SBM programs and initiatives are advertised in the eJournal.
- Ethics Seminars
- The State Bar of Michigan offers ethics seminars to serve members and support compliance.
- Face of Justice
- Modeled after the National Association of Women Judges MentorJet program, the Face of Justice program is an integral part of the State Bar of Michigan’s ongoing work to build and support pathways to the profession. As part of the Face of Justice, students meet with multiple volunteer attorney mentors in “speed networking” events. The program seeks to introduce students from diverse backgrounds to the legal profession through these networking and mentoring opportunities with Michigan lawyers and judges.
- Law School Presentations
- The State Bar of Michigan works closely with all five law schools in Michigan. Our collaboration includes presentations and seminars to help educate future lawyers about important and emerging issues in the legal profession.
- Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program
- The Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program has two components: (1) monitoring and intervention and (2) mental health and wellness programming. LJAP offers services to law students, bar applicants, lawyers, and judges struggling with mental health and/or substance use concerns. LJAP helps to maximize the overall well-being of those in the legal field by helping them thrive professionally. The program offers free consultations for legal professionals and their families; clinical assessments; short-term counseling for law students; referrals to properly trained, credentialed, and effective providers; professional training and educational presentations; and law student and lawyer virtual support groups. To protect the public from misconduct caused or exacerbated by a lawyer’s untreated mental illness or substance use disorder, LJAP provides comprehensive and credible monitoring services to lawyers and judges with grievances related to a mental health or substance use diagnosis (MCR 9.114(C)). Monitoring agreements are developed to help afflicted individuals in the legal profession achieve mental and emotional well-being so that they become fit to practice again. The monitoring agreements are overseen by LJAP clinical staff and are designed to include both support and accountability for program participants.
- Michigan Bar Journal
- The Michigan Bar Journal is written by attorneys for attorneys. It includes feature articles based on themes developed and edited by the Michigan Bar Journal Committee as well as columns, articles, and news written by staff and other expert contributors. Regularly appearing content includes Best Practices, Ethical Perspectives, From the President, Law Practice Solutions, Libraries and Legal Research, Plain Language, and Practicing Wellness. The Michigan Bar Journal is published in print and online 11 times per year and is the official communication vehicle for the State Bar of Michigan. The Michigan Bar Journal is required to publish certain notices under the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. As the State Bar of Michigan’s flagship publication, the Michigan Bar Journal is also used to advertise SBM events and resources.
- On Balance Podcast
- The State Bar of Michigan podcast series, On Balance, features a diversified array of legal thought leaders. Hosted by SBM staff from the Practice Management Resource Center and Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program, the series focuses on the need for interplay between practice management and lawyer wellness for a thriving law practice.
- Practice Management Resource Center
- The Practice Management Resource Center provides resources to attorneys and their staff to help them build and maintain professional competence. Example resources include a practice management helpline, a dedicated website, Michigan Bar Journal columns, the On Balance podcast, webcasts/webinars, seminar presentations, voluntary and mandated Attorney Grievance Commission/Attorney Discipline Board onsite consultations, and newsletters.
- Pro Bono Programs and Trainings
- The State Bar of Michigan partners with statewide pro bono efforts to support their success and encourage/facilitate the participation of Michigan attorneys in access to justice initiatives. These programs include traditional pro bono services as well as partnerships with public service organizations and local and affinity bars.
- Support for SBM Sections and Recognized Bar Associations
- The State Bar of Michigan promotes and supports the work of SBM’s 43 sections and Michigan’s 121 bar associations. There are 39 practice-area SBM sections (e.g., Business Law, Family Law, Probate and Estate Planning) and three demography-based sections (Law Students, Senior Lawyers, and Young Lawyers). Recognized bars are organized into three types: geography-based (e.g., Delta County, Detroit, Ingham County), practice area (e.g., Federal Bar, Intellectual Property, Municipal Attorneys), and demography-based (e.g., Black Women Lawyers, Michigan Muslim Bar, Wolverine Bar). All but two sections are self-supported through voluntary section dues and governed by their own section bylaws and elected councils. The Young Lawyers and Judicial sections are supported by the State Bar of Michigan because membership is required for certain members. The State Bar of Michigan provides infrastructure, information, communication tools, and consultation to all sections. Every bar year, SBM sections publish substantive educational materials, both in print and online, and host a series of substantive educational seminars, both in person and online.
- Website: michbar.org
- The State Bar of Michigan website provides information for the public and Michigan attorneys and includes programs and services, news releases, and a calendar. It houses the classic version of the online member directory and is also home to the Michigan Bar Journal and the eJournal. Located at michbar.org, the website is a key tool for sharing information broadly and quickly.
- Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence
- The Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence has been established by the Board of Commissioners to examine the legal, social, educational, and ethical impact of AI and its potential impacts on the legal profession. The Committee consists of six members and two staff liaisons. It held four meetings during the 2023–2024 bar year.
- Young Lawyers Section Programming
- Every bar year, the SBM Young Lawyers Section hosts a series of educational and networking events designed to help new lawyers become practice-ready. SBM supported these activities through IT support, communications support (i.e., layout, graphic design, editing, and distribution of printed materials), and research and surveys.
- Commission on Well-Being in the Law (SBM Support)
- Based on research from the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, the Michigan Supreme Court and the State Bar of Michigan worked collaboratively to create the Task Force on Well-Being in the Law, which was launched in May 2022 to answer the National Task Force’s call to action. The Task Force issued a report in August 2023 with an overarching recommendation that a Commission on Well-Being in the Law be established. The Court ordered the creation of the Commission in September 2023 (ADM 2023-1). The purpose of the Commission on Well-Being in the Law is to build upon the good work already accomplished by the Task Force and continue the forward momentum to change the climate of the legal culture by promoting well-being within the legal profession. The Commission works to foster an environment that encourages members of the legal profession, law students, and court staff to strive for greater mental, physical, and emotional health.
- eJournal
- The eJournal provides summaries of the latest opinions from the Michigan Supreme Court, the Michigan Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court. Each summary also includes a PDF of the featured opinion and identifies the judges, key issues, and relevant practice area(s). By offering timely, accurate, and easy-to-read summaries, the eJournal helps Michigan attorneys stay current on case law. Delivered by email five days per week, the summaries are also available online and in a searchable archive. SBM programs and initiatives are advertised in the eJournal.
- Ethics Seminars
- The State Bar of Michigan offers ethics seminars to serve members and support compliance.
- Great Lakes Legal Conference
- The Great Lakes Legal Conference is held annually in June at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The conference combines the former Bar Leadership Forum and the Upper Michigan Legal Institute into one event. The two-day conference includes four learning tracks – Leadership, Legal Updates, Litigation, and Practice Management – and attendees are able to mix and match sessions from the tracks to personalize their experience.
- Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program
- The Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program has two components: (1) monitoring and intervention and (2) mental health and wellness programming. LJAP offers services to law students, bar applicants, lawyers, and judges struggling with mental health and/or substance use concerns. LJAP helps to maximize the overall well-being of those in the legal field by helping them thrive professionally. The program offers free consultations for legal professionals and their families; clinical assessments; short-term counseling for law students; referrals to properly trained, credentialed, and effective providers; professional training and educational presentations; and law student and lawyer virtual support groups. To protect the public from misconduct caused or exacerbated by a lawyer’s untreated mental illness or substance use disorder, LJAP provides comprehensive and credible monitoring services to lawyers and judges with grievances related to a mental health or substance use diagnosis (MCR 9.114(C)). Monitoring agreements are developed to help afflicted individuals in the legal profession achieve mental and emotional well-being so that they become fit to practice again. The monitoring agreements are overseen by LJAP clinical staff and are designed to include both support and accountability for program participants.
- Michigan Bar Journal
- The Michigan Bar Journal is written by attorneys for attorneys. It includes feature articles based on themes developed and edited by the Michigan Bar Journal Committee as well as columns, articles, and news written by staff and other expert contributors. Regularly appearing content includes Best Practices, Ethical Perspectives, From the President, Law Practice Solutions, Libraries and Legal Research, Plain Language, and Practicing Wellness. The Michigan Bar Journal is published in print and online 11 times per year and is the official communication vehicle for the State Bar of Michigan. The Michigan Bar Journal is required to publish certain notices under the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. As the State Bar of Michigan’s flagship publication, the Michigan Bar Journal is also used to advertise SBM events and resources.
- On Balance Podcast
- The State Bar of Michigan podcast series, On Balance, features a diversified array of legal thought leaders. Hosted by SBM staff from the Practice Management Resource Center and Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program, the series focuses on the need for interplay between practice management and lawyer wellness for a thriving law practice.
- Practice Management Resource Center
- The Practice Management Resource Center provides resources to attorneys and their staff to help them build and maintain professional competence. Example resources include a practice management helpline, a dedicated website, Michigan Bar Journal columns, the On Balance podcast, webcasts/webinars, seminar presentations, voluntary and mandated Attorney Grievance Commission/Attorney Discipline Board onsite consultations, and newsletters.
- Pro Bono Programs and Trainings
- The State Bar of Michigan partners with statewide pro bono efforts to support their success and encourage/facilitate the participation of Michigan attorneys in access to justice initiatives. These programs include traditional pro bono services as well as partnerships with public service organizations and local and affinity bars.
- Support for SBM Sections and Recognized Bar Associations
- The State Bar of Michigan promotes and supports the work of SBM’s 43 sections and Michigan’s 121 bar associations. There are 39 practice-area SBM sections (e.g., Business Law, Family Law, Probate and Estate Planning) and three demography-based sections (Law Students, Senior Lawyers, and Young Lawyers). Recognized bars are organized into three types: geography-based (e.g., Delta County, Detroit, Ingham County), practice area (e.g., Federal Bar, Intellectual Property, Municipal Attorneys), and demography-based (e.g., Black Women Lawyers, Michigan Muslim Bar, Wolverine Bar). All but two sections are self-supported through voluntary section dues and governed by their own section bylaws and elected councils. The Young Lawyers and Judicial sections are supported by the State Bar of Michigan because membership is required for certain members. The State Bar of Michigan provides infrastructure, information, communication tools, and consultation to all sections. Every bar year, SBM sections publish substantive educational materials, both in print and online, and host a series of substantive educational seminars, both in person and online.
- Website: michbar.org
- The State Bar of Michigan website provides information for the public and Michigan attorneys and includes programs and services, news releases, and a calendar. It houses the classic version of the online member directory and is also home to the Michigan Bar Journal and the eJournal. Located at michbar.org, the website is a key tool for sharing information broadly and quickly.
- Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence
- The Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence has been established by the Board of Commissioners to examine the legal, social, educational, and ethical impact of AI and its potential impacts on the legal profession. The Committee consists of six members and two staff liaisons. It held four meetings during the 2023–2024 bar year.
- Limited Scope Representation and LEAN/Continuous Improvement
- On the recommendation of the 21st Century Practice Task Force, SBM pursued amendments to the Michigan Court Rules and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct. The purpose was to clarify and encourage attorneys to offer limited-scope representation to provide lower-cost legal options for people with low and moderate income. In response to the LSR rule change, SBM has engaged in extensive outreach promoting the rule change and offering educational opportunities to attorneys in Michigan.
- Michigan Bar Journal
- The Michigan Bar Journal is written by attorneys for attorneys. It includes feature articles based on themes developed and edited by the Michigan Bar Journal Committee as well as columns, articles, and news written by staff and other expert contributors. Regularly appearing content includes Best Practices, Ethical Perspectives, From the President, Law Practice Solutions, Libraries and Legal Research, Plain Language, and Practicing Wellness. The Michigan Bar Journal is published in print and online 11 times per year and is the official communication vehicle for the State Bar of Michigan. The Michigan Bar Journal is required to publish certain notices under the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. As the State Bar of Michigan’s flagship publication, the Michigan Bar Journal is also used to advertise SBM events and resources.
- Modest Means
- The State Bar of Michigan Modest Means program connects moderate-income people with attorneys who offer reduced-cost legal assistance. For a person to be eligible for the Modest Means Program, household income must fall at or below 250% of federal poverty guidelines, and liquid assets must not exceed $5,000. Attorneys agree to limit fees to $500 (personal bankruptcy only) and no more than $75 per hour, or they offer a service agreement consisting of a reasonable monthly payment plan. Attorneys can request a retainer of up to $750. The State Bar of Michigan does not collect a percentage fee for Modest Means referrals.
- On Balance Podcast
- The State Bar of Michigan podcast series, On Balance, features a diversified array of legal thought leaders. Hosted by SBM staff from the Practice Management Resource Center and Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program, the series focuses on the need for interplay between practice management and lawyer wellness for a thriving law practice.
- Practice Management Resource Center
- The Practice Management Resource Center provides resources to attorneys and their staff to help them build and maintain professional competence. Example resources include a practice management helpline, a dedicated website, Michigan Bar Journal columns, the On Balance podcast, webcasts/webinars, seminar presentations, voluntary and mandated Attorney Grievance Commission/Attorney Discipline Board onsite consultations, and newsletters.
- Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence
- The Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence has been established by the Board of Commissioners to examine the legal, social, educational, and ethical impact of AI and its potential impacts on the legal profession. The Committee consists of six members and two staff liaisons. It held four meetings during the 2023–2024 bar year.
- 50-Year Golden Celebration
- The 50-Year Golden Celebration honors members of the Bar who have been admitted to the Bar for 50 years. The Celebration is a lunch and reception where the State Bar President expresses gratitude to the honorees for their long service to Michigan. Attendees have the opportunity to mingle, have professional photos taken, enjoy refreshments, and network with alumni association representatives from the University of Michigan Law School, Michigan State University College of Law, Wayne State University Law School, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, and Thomas M. Cooley Law School.
- Awards
- The State Bar of Michigan, through the Board of Commissioners and the Representative Assembly, honors the best of the legal profession by bestowing awards on Michigan attorneys who exhibit excellence in their legal careers and contributions to the profession. Board of Commissioners’ honorees are recognized annually at the Inauguration & Awards Luncheon in September, which also features the swearing-in of the new president. The Representative Assembly bestows their awards at their September meeting following the awards luncheon. The purpose of the awards is to recognize excellence in the legal profession to inspire Michigan attorneys to make a difference.
- Brunch for Bars
- The morning after the Wolverine Bar Association’s Barristers Ball, the State Bar of Michigan’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee hosts the Brunch for Bars as an opportunity to highlight bar associations and their work in the DEI space while fostering relationships and collaborations. The event brings together members of many affinity and local bars to discuss common activities and possible collaborations.
- Committee Service Opportunities
- Each bar year, SBM staff promotes and markets opportunities for members to serve on SBM committees. Candidates indicate their interest in committee service through an online application process. They are selected and appointed to SBM committees by the SBM president-elect.
- Great Lakes Legal Conference
- The Great Lakes Legal Conference is held annually in June at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The conference combines the former Bar Leadership Forum and the Upper Michigan Legal Institute into one event. The two-day conference includes four learning tracks – Leadership, Legal Updates, Litigation, and Practice Management – and attendees are able to mix and match sessions from the tracks to personalize their experience.
- Lawyer Services
- The Lawyer Services team provides guidance and resources to attorneys, their staff, and the public, and it is the first point of contact for members of the Bar to access the many services the Bar has to offer. The team also plays an integral role in the license renewal process, organizes SBM events, processes requests for Certificates of Good Standing and Confirmations of Status, and develops and maintains relationships with partner programs.
- Marketing and Communications
- The State Bar of Michigan uses marketing and communications to promote events, reinforce core messaging, and educate Michigan attorneys about Bar services. This work is customized based on the needs that are addressed and can include some or all of the following promotional tools: advertisements; flyers, brochures, or other printed materials; targeted or all member emails and eblasts; webpage design; news items and press releases; social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram); and features in the Michigan Bar Journal, eJournal, and SBM Today.
- Michigan Legal Milestones
- The Michigan Legal Milestones Program was established in 1986 to identify and recognize significant moments in Michigan legal history, such as judicial decisions, legislation, events, and persons. To date, 44 milestones have been recognized. SBM dedicates a new milestone each year, providing a bronze Michigan Legal Milestone plaque and holding a local ceremony, often with the help of local bar associations, to recognize and dedicate the legal milestone.
- Online Lawyer Directory
- The State Bar of Michigan website hosts two online directories: The classic directory provides basic member contact information, and the ReliaGuide enhanced profile directory provides a comprehensive platform for attorneys to showcase their experience, areas of practice, and accomplishments to assist potential clients with understanding their qualifications. Members can also add photos and video content, offering even deeper insight into their backgrounds and skill sets for potential clients. The directories boost Michigan lawyers’ visibility and provide the public with a trusted source to find attorneys in good standing.
- SOLACE is a program coordinated by SBM that helps deliver meaningful and compassionate support to members of Michigan’s legal community and their immediate families who are in critical need because of a recent, sudden catastrophic illness, injury, or event. Without regard to income or assets, all Michigan judges, lawyers, court personnel, paralegals, legal assistants, legal administrators, law students, and their immediate families are eligible to request help through SOLACE. The help provided to members in need is completely voluntary and based entirely on the goodwill of other members of the Michigan legal community who are willing and able to help.
- Strategic Planning Facilitation
- The State Bar of Michigan, through the Department of Research and Analytics, offers strategic planning facilitation for sections, bars, and organizations in the legal profession. SBM consults with leadership to identify goals and strategies and establish timelines, inputs and outputs, and key performance indicators for the greatest impact.
- Support for SBM Sections and Recognized Bar Associations
- The State Bar of Michigan promotes and supports the work of SBM’s 43 sections and Michigan’s 121 bar associations. There are 39 practice-area SBM sections (e.g., Business Law, Family Law, Probate and Estate Planning) and three demography-based sections (Law Students, Senior Lawyers, and Young Lawyers). Recognized bars are organized into three types: geography-based (e.g., Delta County, Detroit, Ingham County), practice area (e.g., Federal Bar, Intellectual Property, Municipal Attorneys), and demography-based (e.g., Black Women Lawyers, Michigan Muslim Bar, Wolverine Bar). All but two sections are self-supported through voluntary section dues and governed by their own section bylaws and elected councils. The Young Lawyers and Judicial sections are supported by the State Bar of Michigan because membership is required for certain members. The State Bar of Michigan provides infrastructure, information, communication tools, and consultation to all sections. Every bar year, SBM sections publish substantive educational materials, both in print and online, and host a series of substantive educational seminars, both in person and online.
- U.S. Courts Committee
- The U.S. Courts Committee makes recommendations to the State Bar of Michigan concerning the Bar’s interaction with federal courts in Michigan and the practice of law in those courts. The Committee hosts an annual Bench-Bar Dinner, at which members of the state and federal judiciaries come together to discuss issues of mutual concern.
- eJournal
- The eJournal provides summaries of the latest opinions from the Michigan Supreme Court, the Michigan Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court. Each summary also includes a PDF of the featured opinion and identifies the judges, key issues, and relevant practice area(s). By offering timely, accurate, and easy-to-read summaries, the eJournal helps Michigan attorneys stay current on case law. Delivered by email five days per week, the summaries are also available online and in a searchable archive. SBM programs and initiatives are advertised in the eJournal.
- Lawyer Services
- The Lawyer Services team provides guidance and resources to attorneys, their staff, and the public, and it is the first point of contact for members of the Bar to access the many services the Bar has to offer. The team also plays an integral role in the license renewal process, organizes SBM events, processes requests for Certificates of Good Standing and Confirmations of Status, and develops and maintains relationships with partner programs.
- Marketing and Communications
- The State Bar of Michigan uses marketing and communications to promote events, reinforce core messaging, and educate Michigan attorneys about Bar services. This work is customized based on the needs that are addressed and can include some or all of the following promotional tools: advertisements; flyers, brochures, or other printed materials; targeted or all member emails and eblasts; webpage design; news items and press releases; social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram); and features in the Michigan Bar Journal, eJournal, and SBM Today.
- Michigan Bar Journal
- The Michigan Bar Journal is written by attorneys for attorneys. It includes feature articles based on themes developed and edited by the Michigan Bar Journal Committee as well as columns, articles, and news written by staff and other expert contributors. Regularly appearing content includes Best Practices, Ethical Perspectives, From the President, Law Practice Solutions, Libraries and Legal Research, Plain Language, and Practicing Wellness. The Michigan Bar Journal is published in print and online 11 times per year and is the official communication vehicle for the State Bar of Michigan. The Michigan Bar Journal is required to publish certain notices under the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. As the State Bar of Michigan’s flagship publication, the Michigan Bar Journal is also used to advertise SBM events and resources.
- Michigan Legal Milestones
- The Michigan Legal Milestones Program was established in 1986 to identify and recognize significant moments in Michigan legal history, such as judicial decisions, legislation, events, and persons. To date, 44 milestones have been recognized. SBM dedicates a new milestone each year, providing a bronze Michigan Legal Milestone plaque and holding a local ceremony, often with the help of local bar associations, to recognize and dedicate the legal milestone.
- Website: michbar.org
- The State Bar of Michigan website provides information for the public and Michigan attorneys and includes programs and services, news releases, and a calendar. It houses the classic version of the online member directory and is also home to the Michigan Bar Journal and the eJournal. Located at michbar.org, the website is a key tool for sharing information broadly and quickly.
- Commission on Well-Being in the Law (SBM Support)
- Based on research from the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, the Michigan Supreme Court and the State Bar of Michigan worked collaboratively to create the Task Force on Well-Being in the Law, which was launched in May 2022 to answer the National Task Force’s call to action. The Task Force issued a report in August 2023 with an overarching recommendation that a Commission on Well-Being in the Law be established. The Court ordered the creation of the Commission in September 2023 (ADM 2023-1). The purpose of the Commission on Well-Being in the Law is to build upon the good work already accomplished by the Task Force and continue the forward momentum to change the climate of the legal culture by promoting well-being within the legal profession. The Commission works to foster an environment that encourages members of the legal profession, law students, and court staff to strive for greater mental, physical, and emotional health.
- Lawyers and Judges Assisstance Program
- The Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program has two components: (1) monitoring and intervention and (2) mental health and wellness programming. LJAP offers services to law students, bar applicants, lawyers, and judges struggling with mental health and/or substance use concerns. LJAP helps to maximize the overall well-being of those in the legal field by helping them thrive professionally. The program offers free consultations for legal professionals and their families; clinical assessments; short-term counseling for law students; referrals to properly trained, credentialed, and effective providers; professional training and educational presentations; and law student and lawyer virtual support groups. To protect the public from misconduct caused or exacerbated by a lawyer’s untreated mental illness or substance use disorder, LJAP provides comprehensive and credible monitoring services to lawyers and judges with grievances related to a mental health or substance use diagnosis (MCR 9.114(C)). Monitoring agreements are developed to help afflicted individuals in the legal profession achieve mental and emotional well-being so that they become fit to practice again. The monitoring agreements are overseen by LJAP clinical staff and are designed to include both support and accountability for program participants.
- On Balance Podcast
- The State Bar of Michigan podcast series, On Balance, features a diversified array of legal thought leaders. Hosted by SBM staff from the Practice Management Resource Center and Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program, the series focuses on the need for interplay between practice management and lawyer wellness for a thriving law practice.
Goal 2: The State Bar of Michigan champions access to justice and builds public trust and confidence in the justice system in Michigan.
Click on each of the strategies listed below the goals to see a list of State Bar of Michigan activities supporting each.
- Law-Related Education
- The State Bar of Michigan, primarily through the efforts of the Public Outreach and Education Committee (POEC) and SBM staff, provides educational materials to help teach about the rule of law and the justice system. Materials include lesson plans for teachers and volunteer attorneys, links to national resources, and local events and activities throughout Michigan. SBM also partners with the Michigan Center for Civic Education to promote events like Law Day and Constitution Day, and with the Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center on specific programs and events.
- Lawyer Referral Service
- The Lawyer Referral Service is a telephone-based referral system that helps people who are seeking a lawyer by matching them with an attorney in the practice area that they need. Consumers pay a $25 administrative fee and receive a 25-minute consultation, provided at no additional cost, from the attorney to whom they are referred. The call center screens callers to determine if they are eligible for free or low-cost legal services and refers them (at no cost) to the appropriate services. If callers decline to pay the administrative fee, the call center connects them with additional resources including information on legal clinics, Self-Help Centers, Michigan Legal Help, and the online lawyer directory to help them find their own attorney. On average, the Lawyer Referral Service handles more than 100 calls each day.
- Lawyer Services
- The Lawyer Services team provides guidance and resources to attorneys, their staff, and the public, and it is the first point of contact for members of the Bar to access the many services the Bar has to offer. The team also plays an integral role in the license renewal process, organizes SBM events, processes requests for Certificates of Good Standing and Confirmations of Status, and develops and maintains relationships with partner programs.
- Limited Scope Representation and LEAN/Continuous Improvement
- On the recommendation of the 21st Century Practice Task Force, SBM pursued amendments to the Michigan Court Rules and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct. The purpose was to clarify and encourage attorneys to offer limited-scope representation to provide lower-cost legal options for people with low and moderate income. In response to the LSR rule change, SBM has engaged in extensive outreach promoting the rule change and offering educational opportunities to attorneys in Michigan.
- Michigan Legal Help (SBM support)
- Michigan Legal Help is part of the Michigan Advocacy Program, a legal aid organization that, through direct legal help and statewide advocacy, provides access to the justice system for those who need it the most. Michigan Legal Help is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its funding comes from the Michigan Supreme Court and the Michigan State Bar Foundation and through grants from the State Bar of Michigan, the Legal Services Corporation, and others. Michigan Legal Help is a self-help legal website that assists members of the public in learning about legal issues, legal processes, and what to expect in court. Michigan Legal Help offers self-help tools on many legal issues including family, housing, public assistance, debt collection, and employment.
- Pro Bono Assistance: MLH engages justice system partners’ pro bono services primarily through the expansion of Self-Help Centers and ongoing relationships with Self-Help Center navigators. In 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help created new training materials for navigators, launched a Self-Help Centers Alliance website, and opened several new Self-Help Centers in the state.
- Additionally, Michigan Legal Help’s Guide to Legal Help is a significant part of the triage and referral process in Michigan and results in thousands of referrals to legal aid offices and State Bar resources, many of which result in pro bono placements. As such, Michigan Legal Help helps SBM reach its goal of promoting and supporting pro bono legal assistance in Michigan. Total costs include Michigan Legal Help staff time opening new and supporting existing centers, maintaining the Guide to Legal Help, and outreach efforts.
- Language Access: MichiganLegalHelp.org maintains a Spanish site, Ayuda Legal de Michigan. All the legal information content on Michigan Legal Help is translated into Spanish, along with several DIY tools. In 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help added new translated content and translated all content modifications, provided Spanish LiveHelp assistance and answered Spanish after-hours emails, and engaged in outreach and assessment of the effectiveness of Ayuda Legal. In 2023–2024 Michigan Legal Help translated the Guide to Legal Help into Spanish, as well as additional legal aid resource pages into Spanish. In 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help hired a staff person to handle all translation needs internally.
- Self-Help Centers: Michigan Legal Help has launched 29 Self-Help Centers throughout the state since its inception in 2012.
- In FY 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help had almost 8 million website events, which included pageviews and engagement.
- Michigan State Bar Foundation (SBM support)
- The Michigan State Bar Foundation provides leadership and funding to improve the justice system. To help assure access to justice for all, nonprofit civil legal aid programs receive the largest share of the Foundation’s grants. The Foundation administers several grants through IOLTA, filing fees, and funding from state agencies. The Access to Justice Campaign’s revenue for FY24 (unaudited) was $1,160,595, including approximately $3,613 in cy pres awards.
- Online Lawyer Directory
- The State Bar of Michigan website hosts two online directories: The classic directory provides basic member contact information, and the ReliaGuide enhanced profile directory provides a comprehensive platform for attorneys to showcase their experience, areas of practice, and accomplishments to assist potential clients with understanding their qualifications. Members can also add photos and video content, offering even deeper insight into their backgrounds and skill sets for potential clients. The directories boost Michigan lawyers’ visibility and provide the public with a trusted source to find attorneys in good standing.
- Website: michbar.org
- The State Bar of Michigan website provides information for the public and Michigan attorneys and includes programs and services, news releases, and a calendar. It houses the classic version of the online member directory and is also home to the Michigan Bar Journal and the eJournal. Located at michbar.org, the website is a key tool for sharing information broadly and quickly.
- Client Protection Fund
- The Client Protection Fund reimburses clients victimized by lawyers who violate the profession’s ethical standards and misappropriate funds entrusted to them. Attorneys pay an annual fee to the Fund. The Client Protection Fund Committee reviews claims and makes reimbursement recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, which ultimately approves or denies the claims. SBM staff members research claims and engage in subrogation efforts against respondents to recoup money paid out by the Fund. The Client Protection Fund staff regularly communicates with the Attorney Grievance Commission and the Attorney Discipline Board to facilitate claims and ensure effective means of transmitting information.
- Law-Related Education
- The State Bar of Michigan, primarily through the efforts of the Public Outreach and Education Committee (POEC) and SBM staff, provides educational materials to help teach about the rule of law and the justice system. Materials include lesson plans for teachers and volunteer attorneys, links to national resources, and local events and activities throughout Michigan. SBM also partners with the Michigan Center for Civic Education to promote events like Law Day and Constitution Day, and with the Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center on specific programs and events.
- Michigan Legal Help (SBM Support)
- Michigan Legal Help is part of the Michigan Advocacy Program, a legal aid organization that, through direct legal help and statewide advocacy, provides access to the justice system for those who need it the most. Michigan Legal Help is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and its funding comes from the Michigan Supreme Court and the Michigan State Bar Foundation and through grants from the State Bar of Michigan, the Legal Services Corporation, and others. Michigan Legal Help is a self-help legal website that assists members of the public in learning about legal issues, legal processes, and what to expect in court. Michigan Legal Help offers self-help tools on many legal issues including family, housing, public assistance, debt collection, and employment.
- Pro Bono Assistance: MLH engages justice system partners’ pro bono services primarily through the expansion of Self-Help Centers and ongoing relationships with Self-Help Center navigators. In 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help created new training materials for navigators, launched a Self-Help Centers Alliance website, and opened several new Self-Help Centers in the state.
- Additionally, Michigan Legal Help’s Guide to Legal Help is a significant part of the triage and referral process in Michigan and results in thousands of referrals to legal aid offices and State Bar resources, many of which result in pro bono placements. As such, Michigan Legal Help helps SBM reach its goal of promoting and supporting pro bono legal assistance in Michigan. Total costs include Michigan Legal Help staff time opening new and supporting existing centers, maintaining the Guide to Legal Help, and outreach efforts.
- Language Access: MichiganLegalHelp.org maintains a Spanish site, Ayuda Legal de Michigan. All the legal information content on Michigan Legal Help is translated into Spanish, along with several DIY tools. In 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help added new translated content and translated all content modifications, provided Spanish LiveHelp assistance and answered Spanish after-hours emails, and engaged in outreach and assessment of the effectiveness of Ayuda Legal. In 2023–2024 Michigan Legal Help translated the Guide to Legal Help into Spanish, as well as additional legal aid resource pages into Spanish. In 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help hired a staff person to handle all translation needs internally.
- Self-Help Centers: Michigan Legal Help has launched 29 Self-Help Centers throughout the state since its inception in 2012.
- In FY 2023–2024, Michigan Legal Help had almost 8 million website events, which included pageviews and engagement.
- Unauthorized Practice of Law
- In its duties to protect the public, the State Bar of Michigan is empowered to prosecute the unauthorized practice of law and to educate the public about the unauthorized practice of law through various outreach efforts.
- A Lawyer Helps
- A Lawyer Helps serves as a key resource hub that includes information on participating in access to justice initiatives, including pro bono opportunities across the state. The program also provides the public with access to available legal information, resources, and events. Additionally, the website recognizes attorneys and firms that donate pro bono services and aims to encourage and inspire more members to engage in pro bono work. Historically, A Lawyer Helps has showcased stories that highlight Michigan attorneys’ pro bono and community service efforts to enhance public awareness of the positive impact that attorneys make throughout the state. However, due to several factors, including a lack of member interest and competing priorities for staff resources, these stories are no longer being shared. Instead, the program has shifted its entire focus to increasing access to justice in Michigan.
- Lawyer Services
- The Lawyer Services team provides guidance and resources to attorneys, their staff, and the public, and it is the first point of contact for members of the Bar to access the many services the Bar has to offer. The team also plays an integral role in the license renewal process, organizes SBM events, processes requests for Certificates of Good Standing and Confirmations of Status, and develops and maintains relationships with partner programs.
- Modest Means
- The State Bar of Michigan Modest Means program connects moderate-income people with attorneys who offer reduced-cost legal assistance. For a person to be eligible for the Modest Means Program, household income must fall at or below 250% of federal poverty guidelines, and liquid assets must not exceed $5,000. Attorneys agree to limit fees to $500 (personal bankruptcy only) and no more than $75 per hour, or they offer a service agreement consisting of a reasonable monthly payment plan. Attorneys can request a retainer of up to $750. The State Bar of Michigan does not collect a percentage fee for Modest Means referrals.
- Pro Bono Honor Roll
- The Pro Bono Honor Roll recognizes individual attorneys, law firms, and corporations that support access to justice efforts by providing pro bono legal services to low-income individuals and families throughout Michigan. Law firms and corporations that submitted an Honor Roll application and achieved a per-attorney average of 30, 50, or 100+ hours of pro bono legal services, as well as firms and corporations that provided at least 100 cumulative hours of pro bono legal services, are eligible for recognition on the Pro Bono Honor Roll. Individual attorneys who submitted an Honor Roll application and provided 30, 50, or 100+ hours of qualifying pro bono legal services are also eligible for recognition on the Honor Roll.
- Pro Bono Programs and Trainings
- The State Bar of Michigan partners with statewide pro bono efforts to support their success and encourage/facilitate the participation of Michigan attorneys in access to justice initiatives. These programs include traditional pro bono services as well as partnerships with public service organizations and local and affinity bars.
- Brunch for Bars
- The morning after the Wolverine Bar Association’s Barristers Ball, the State Bar of Michigan’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee hosts the Brunch for Bars as an opportunity to highlight bar associations and their work in the DEI space while fostering relationships and collaborations. The event brings together members of many affinity and local bars to discuss common activities and possible collaborations.
- Demographics Report
- Since 2007, SBM has produced a detailed report of its members’ demographics. The report offers an in-depth look at members’ changing demographics, including age, tenure with the Bar, race/ethnicity, gender, areas of practice and occupation, law school attended, and geographic location within the state. This information provides a comprehensive overview of the SBM membership data and an improved understanding of current trends, offering insight into how the future membership might appear based on present demographics. The information contained in this report is invaluable both to the Bar as a whole and to individual sections, allowing them to better anticipate and accommodate the future needs of members and determine the best way to provide services that reflect those needs.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission (SBM Support)
- In January 2022, the Michigan Supreme Court issued Order 2022-1, creating the Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Michigan judiciary. The purpose was to assess and work toward the elimination of demographic and other disparities within the Michigan judiciary and justice system. The Commission includes an appointment by the State Bar of Michigan Board of Commissioners, and the executive director also serves on the Commission’s executive committee.
- Face of Justice
- Modeled after the National Association of Women Judges MentorJet program, the Face of Justice program is an integral part of the State Bar of Michigan’s ongoing work to build and support pathways to the profession. As part of the Face of Justice, students meet with multiple volunteer attorney mentors in “speed networking” events. The program seeks to introduce students from diverse backgrounds to the legal profession through these networking and mentoring opportunities with Michigan lawyers and judges.
- Michigan Legal Milestones
- The Michigan Legal Milestones Program was established in 1986 to identify and recognize significant moments in Michigan legal history, such as judicial decisions, legislation, events, and persons. To date, 44 milestones have been recognized. SBM dedicates a new milestone each year, providing a bronze Michigan Legal Milestone plaque and holding a local ceremony, often with the help of local bar associations, to recognize and dedicate the legal milestone.
- Pledge to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession
- The Pledge was developed in 2011 to reinforce the ongoing work to seek improvements in the diversity and inclusion of the profession in Michigan.
- Justice for All Commission (SBM Support)
- The Michigan Supreme Court, through Administrative Order 2021-01, created the Justice for All Commission, which is committed to providing 100% access to Michigan’s civil justice system. The Commission is working with a wide range of stakeholders to inventory various aspects of the civil justice system and identify gaps and barriers to people accessing the civil justice system. The Michigan Supreme Court named the State Bar, along with the State Court Administrative Office and the Michigan State Bar Foundation, to lead the Commission, which is focused on achieving four main goals outlined in the Strategic Plan and Inventory Report: (1) promoting a culture of service to help the justice system be more approachable and navigable; (2) simplifying and streamlining processes, rules, and laws; (3) providing a spectrum of affordable, easy-to-access legal resources available to everyone to match their individual needs; and (4) making sure that all people understand their rights and remedies under the law. The Commission includes an appointment by the State Bar of Michigan Board of Commissioners, and the executive director also serves on the Commission’s executive committee.
- Law-Related Education
- The State Bar of Michigan, primarily through the efforts of the Public Outreach and Education Committee (POEC) and SBM staff, provides educational materials to help teach about the rule of law and the justice system. Materials include lesson plans for teachers and volunteer attorneys, links to national resources, and local events and activities throughout Michigan. SBM also partners with the Michigan Center for Civic Education to promote events like Law Day and Constitution Day, and with the Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center on specific programs and events.
- Professional Pathways
- SBM’s Professional Pathways programming is designed to provide information regarding pathway programs from across Michigan, with the purpose of fostering collaboration among involved entities and replication of successful programs.
- Strategic Planning Facilitation
- The State Bar of Michigan, through the Department of Research and Analytics, offers strategic planning facilitation for sections, bars, and organizations in the legal profession. SBM consults with leadership to identify goals and strategies and establish timelines, inputs and outputs, and key performance indicators for the greatest impact.
- Unauthorized Practice of Law
- In its duties to protect the public, the State Bar of Michigan is empowered to prosecute the unauthorized practice of law and to educate the public about the unauthorized practice of law through various outreach efforts.
- Law-Related Education
- The State Bar of Michigan, primarily through the efforts of the Public Outreach and Education Committee (POEC) and SBM staff, provides educational materials to help teach about the rule of law and the justice system. Materials include lesson plans for teachers and volunteer attorneys, links to national resources, and local events and activities throughout Michigan. SBM also partners with the Michigan Center for Civic Education to promote events like Law Day and Constitution Day, and with the Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center on specific programs and events.
- Marketing and Communications
- The State Bar of Michigan uses marketing and communications to promote events, reinforce core messaging, and educate Michigan attorneys about Bar services. This work is customized based on the needs that are addressed and can include some or all of the following promotional tools: advertisements; flyers, brochures, or other printed materials; targeted or all member emails and eblasts; webpage design; news items and press releases; social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram); and features in the Michigan Bar Journal, eJournal, and SBM Today.
- Professionalism and Civility Programming
- The Special Committee on Professionalism & Civility promotes the highest standards of personal conduct of lawyers and judges in the practice of law, as articulated in ADM 2020-23: Professionalism Principles. The Committee maintains an educational and promotional plan to help ensure that the culture of the legal profession is consistent with the Professionalism Principles and to secure commitments from those who participate in the legal profession to comply with the Professionalism Principles.
- Unauthorized Practice of Law
- In its duties to protect the public, the State Bar of Michigan is empowered to prosecute the unauthorized practice of law and to educate the public about the unauthorized practice of law through various outreach efforts.
- Website: michbar.org
- The State Bar of Michigan website provides information for the public and Michigan attorneys and includes programs and services, news releases, and a calendar. It houses the classic version of the online member directory and is also home to the Michigan Bar Journal and the eJournal. Located at michbar.org, the website is a key tool for sharing information broadly and quickly.
Goal 3: The State Bar of Michigan maintains the highest conduct among its members, and initiates and advocates for improvements that facilitate accessible, timely justice for the public.
Click on each of the strategies listed below the goals to see a list of State Bar of Michigan activities supporting each.
- Character and Fitness
- The Character and Fitness team supports the C&F Standing Committee and district committees by processing and investigating applicants seeking admission to the State Bar of Michigan, in accordance with Rule 15 of the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. The C&F Standing Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Law Examiners.
- Client Protection Fund
- The Client Protection Fund reimburses clients victimized by lawyers who violate the profession’s ethical standards and misappropriate funds entrusted to them. Attorneys pay an annual fee to the Fund. The Client Protection Fund Committee reviews claims and makes reimbursement recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, which ultimately approves or denies the claims. SBM staff members research claims and engage in subrogation efforts against respondents to recoup money paid out by the Fund. The Client Protection Fund staff regularly communicates with the Attorney Grievance Commission and the Attorney Discipline Board to facilitate claims and ensure effective means of transmitting information.
- Ethics Opinions
- The Professional Ethics Committee and Judicial Ethics Committee issue ethics opinions that provide guidance to Michigan attorneys and judges regarding ethical issues. Ethics opinions are available on the State Bar of Michigan website. Staff members of the Attorney Grievance Commission and the Attorney Discipline Board act as liaisons to the Professional Ethics Committee, assisting in selecting and drafting ethics opinions.
- Interim Administrator Program
- The State Bar of Michigan Interim Administrator Program helps to administer the regulations outlined in Rule 21 and helps attorneys fulfill their obligations under the rules. The State Bar of Michigan’s support for the implementation of Mandatory Interim Administrator Planning also includes:
- Operating the SBM Interim Administrator Program, in which private practice attorneys can enroll for an annual fee of $60 instead of designating their own interim administrator.
- Matching attorneys to serve as interim administrators when needed. When an interim administrator cannot be matched with an affected attorney, the State Bar of Michigan’s succession planning counsel serves as the interim administrator.
- Reviewing reports of possible attorneys in need of an interim administrator.
- Providing full succession planning resources and guides for Michigan’s legal community.
- Judicial Qualifications Committee
- Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program
- The Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program has two components: (1) monitoring and intervention and (2) mental health and wellness programming. LJAP offers services to law students, bar applicants, lawyers, and judges struggling with mental health and/or substance use concerns. LJAP helps to maximize the overall well-being of those in the legal field by helping them thrive professionally. The program offers free consultations for legal professionals and their families; clinical assessments; short-term counseling for law students; referrals to properly trained, credentialed, and effective providers; professional training and educational presentations; and law student and lawyer virtual support groups. To protect the public from misconduct caused or exacerbated by a lawyer’s untreated mental illness or substance use disorder, LJAP provides comprehensive and credible monitoring services to lawyers and judges with grievances related to a mental health or substance use diagnosis (MCR 9.114(C)). Monitoring agreements are developed to help afflicted individuals in the legal profession achieve mental and emotional well-being so that they become fit to practice again. The monitoring agreements are overseen by LJAP clinical staff and are designed to include both support and accountability for program participants.
- Practice Management Resource Center
- The Practice Management Resource Center provides resources to attorneys and their staff to help them build and maintain professional competence. Example resources include a practice management helpline, a dedicated website, Michigan Bar Journal columns, the On Balance podcast, webcasts/webinars, seminar presentations, voluntary and mandated Attorney Grievance Commission/Attorney Discipline Board onsite consultations, and newsletters.
- Pro Hac Vice
- The State Bar processes pro hac vice applications for out-of-state and foreign lawyers seeking to appear before a Michigan court, administrative tribunal or agency, or arbitration proceeding.
- Unauthorized Practice of Law
- In its duties to protect the public, the State Bar of Michigan is empowered to prosecute the unauthorized practice of law and to educate the public about the unauthorized practice of law through various outreach efforts.
- Ethics Helpline
- The ethics helpline is available to judges and lawyers seeking a confidential informal advisory opinion from a staff attorney about an ethics issue that concerns the inquirer’s prospective conduct.
- Ethics Opinions
- The Professional Ethics Committee and Judicial Ethics Committee issue ethics opinions that provide guidance to Michigan attorneys and judges regarding ethical issues. Ethics opinions are available on the State Bar of Michigan website. Staff members of the Attorney Grievance Commission and the Attorney Discipline Board act as liaisons to the Professional Ethics Committee, assisting in selecting and drafting ethics opinions.
- Ethics Seminars
- The State Bar of Michigan offers ethics seminars to serve members and support compliance.
- Interim Administrator Program
- The State Bar of Michigan Interim Administrator Program helps to administer the regulations outlined in Rule 21 and helps attorneys fulfill their obligations under the rules. The State Bar of Michigan’s support for the implementation of Mandatory Interim Administrator Planning also includes:
- Operating the SBM Interim Administrator Program, in which private practice attorneys can enroll for an annual fee of $60 instead of designating their own interim administrator.
- Matching attorneys to serve as interim administrators when needed. When an interim administrator cannot be matched with an affected attorney, the State Bar of Michigan’s succession planning counsel serves as the interim administrator.
- Reviewing reports of possible attorneys in need of an interim administrator.
- Providing full succession planning resources and guides for Michigan’s legal community.
- Marketing and Communications
- The State Bar of Michigan uses marketing and communications to promote events, reinforce core messaging, and educate Michigan attorneys about Bar services. This work is customized based on the needs that are addressed and can include some or all of the following promotional tools: advertisements; flyers, brochures, or other printed materials; targeted or all member emails and eblasts; webpage design; news items and press releases; social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram); and features in the Michigan Bar Journal, eJournal, and SBM Today.
- Michigan Bar Journal
- The Michigan Bar Journal is written by attorneys for attorneys. It includes feature articles based on themes developed and edited by the Michigan Bar Journal Committee as well as columns, articles, and news written by staff and other expert contributors. Regularly appearing content includes Best Practices, Ethical Perspectives, From the President, Law Practice Solutions, Libraries and Legal Research, Plain Language, and Practicing Wellness. The Michigan Bar Journal is published in print and online 11 times per year and is the official communication vehicle for the State Bar of Michigan. The Michigan Bar Journal is required to publish certain notices under the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. As the State Bar of Michigan’s flagship publication, the Michigan Bar Journal is also used to advertise SBM events and resources.
- Professionalism and Civility Programming
- The Special Committee on Professionalism & Civility promotes the highest standards of personal conduct of lawyers and judges in the practice of law, as articulated in ADM 2020-23: Professionalism Principles. The Committee maintains an educational and promotional plan to help ensure that the culture of the legal profession is consistent with the Professionalism Principles and to secure commitments from those who participate in the legal profession to comply with the Professionalism Principles.
- Ethics Opinions
- The Professional Ethics Committee and Judicial Ethics Committee issue ethics opinions that provide guidance to Michigan attorneys and judges regarding ethical issues. Ethics opinions are available on the State Bar of Michigan website. Staff members of the Attorney Grievance Commission and the Attorney Discipline Board act as liaisons to the Professional Ethics Committee, assisting in selecting and drafting ethics opinions.
- Ethics Rules and Guidance
- The Professional Ethics Committee and Judicial Ethics Committee reviewed and recommended updates to the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct and the Michigan Canons of Judicial Conduct. The ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct and the Model Rules of Professional Conduct were used for comparison. The two ethics committees also publish FAQs, articles for the Michigan Bar Journal, and other resources to provide attorneys with ethical guidance on a variety of topics.
- Justice for All Commission (SBM Support)
- The Michigan Supreme Court, through Administrative Order 2021-01, created the Justice for All Commission, which is committed to providing 100% access to Michigan’s civil justice system. The Commission is working with a wide range of stakeholders to inventory various aspects of the civil justice system and identify gaps and barriers to people accessing the civil justice system. The Michigan Supreme Court named the State Bar, along with the State Court Administrative Office and the Michigan State Bar Foundation, to lead the Commission, which is focused on achieving four main goals outlined in the Strategic Plan and Inventory Report: (1) promoting a culture of service to help the justice system be more approachable and navigable; (2) simplifying and streamlining processes, rules, and laws; (3) providing a spectrum of affordable, easy-to-access legal resources available to everyone to match their individual needs; and (4) making sure that all people understand their rights and remedies under the law. The Commission includes an appointment by the State Bar of Michigan Board of Commissioners, and the executive director also serves on the Commission’s executive committee.
- Demographics Report
- Since 2007, SBM has produced a detailed report of its members’ demographics. The report offers an in-depth look at members’ changing demographics, including age, tenure with the Bar, race/ethnicity, gender, areas of practice and occupation, law school attended, and geographic location within the state. This information provides a comprehensive overview of the SBM membership data and an improved understanding of current trends, offering insight into how the future membership might appear based on present demographics. The information contained in this report is invaluable both to the Bar as a whole and to individual sections, allowing them to better anticipate and accommodate the future needs of members and determine the best way to provide services that reflect those needs.
- Online Lawyer Directory
- The State Bar of Michigan website hosts two online directories: The classic directory provides basic member contact information, and the ReliaGuide enhanced profile directory provides a comprehensive platform for attorneys to showcase their experience, areas of practice, and accomplishments to assist potential clients with understanding their qualifications. Members can also add photos and video content, offering even deeper insight into their backgrounds and skill sets for potential clients. The directories boost Michigan lawyers’ visibility and provide the public with a trusted source to find attorneys in good standing.
- Public Policy Advocacy
- The State Bar of Michigan engages in public policy that involves the regulation of the legal profession and the improvement of the quality of legal services. Public policy positions are adopted after receiving input from standing committees and SBM sections, and directly from individual members through the Public Policy Resource Center. Staff then advocates on behalf of public policy positions adopted by the full Board of Commissioners.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission (SBM Support)
- In January 2022, the Michigan Supreme Court issued Order 2022-1, creating the Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Michigan judiciary. The purpose was to assess and work toward the elimination of demographic and other disparities within the Michigan judiciary and justice system. The Commission includes an appointment by the State Bar of Michigan Board of Commissioners, and the executive director also serves on the Commission’s executive committee.
- Great Lakes Legal Conference
- The Great Lakes Legal Conference is held annually in June at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The conference combines the former Bar Leadership Forum and the Upper Michigan Legal Institute into one event. The two-day conference includes four learning tracks – Leadership, Legal Updates, Litigation, and Practice Management – and attendees are able to mix and match sessions from the tracks to personalize their experience.
- Character and Fitness
- The Character and Fitness team supports the C&F Standing Committee and district committees by processing and investigating applicants seeking admission to the State Bar of Michigan, in accordance with Rule 15 of the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan. The C&F Standing Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Law Examiners.
- Interim Administrator Program
- The State Bar of Michigan Interim Administrator Program helps to administer the regulations outlined in Rule 21 and helps attorneys fulfill their obligations under the rules. The State Bar of Michigan’s support for the implementation of Mandatory Interim Administrator Planning also includes:
- Operating the SBM Interim Administrator Program, in which private practice attorneys can enroll for an annual fee of $60 instead of designating their own interim administrator.
- Matching attorneys to serve as interim administrators when needed. When an interim administrator cannot be matched with an affected attorney, the State Bar of Michigan’s succession planning counsel serves as the interim administrator.
- Reviewing reports of possible attorneys in need of an interim administrator.
- Providing full succession planning resources and guides for Michigan’s legal community.
- License Renewal and Payment Process
- The State Bar of Michigan administers the annual license renewal process for more than 46,000 member attorneys, which, as directed by the Michigan Supreme Court, includes distributing funds to the State Bar of Michigan, the Attorney Discipline System, and the Client Protection Fund. The State Bar also collects and distributes voluntary contributions and section dues. Michigan attorneys renew their licenses quickly and efficiently using the Bar’s online renewal system.
- Pro Hac Vice
- The State Bar processes pro hac vice applications for out-of-state and foreign lawyers seeking to appear before a Michigan court, administrative tribunal or agency, or arbitration proceeding.
Goal 4: The State Bar of Michigan structures itself to achieve its strategic goals in a responsive and cost-efficient manner.
Click on each of the strategies listed below the goals to see a list of State Bar of Michigan activities supporting each.
- Financial Reporting and Budgeting
- Within each fiscal year, SBM’s financial reporting and budgeting process spans three budget years: (1) Previous fiscal year: An audit is performed in the fall of the previous fiscal year, and the audit is received by the Board of Commissioners. The Annual Financial Report, including the audited financial statements, for the previous fiscal year is submitted to the Michigan Supreme Court in December. (2) Current fiscal year: The Finance Committee receives and reviews monthly financial statements and budget forecasts. Budget amendments are approved by the Board of Commissioners as needed. (3) Next fiscal year: The process of developing the next year’s budget begins in the spring, with the Finance Committee doing a comprehensive review of the budget before recommending it to the full Board for approval at the July Board meeting.
- Strategic Planning
- SBM’s current Strategic Plan is for FY 2017–2023. The Strategic Planning Committee reviews the State Bar’s efforts in achieving strategic plan goals, makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners about updates and revisions to the strategic plan, and considers key metrics to measure those efforts’ effectiveness. This ongoing dialogue throughout the year helps ensure that the State Bar is taking all necessary steps to achieve its mission and advance the profession of law.
- Advertising
- The State Bar of Michigan sells advertising as a non-dues revenue source that helps recoup the cost of producing member benefits. Reduced advertising rates are offered to sections and members as an additional member benefit. Our current advertising vehicles include the Michigan Bar Journal print issue, online Michigan Bar Journal, and eJournal newsletter (email) and website. Classified advertising is also offered in the print Bar Journal and offered separately online, with links appearing in both the online MBJ and eJournal.
- Financial Reporting and Budgeting
- Within each fiscal year, SBM’s financial reporting and budgeting process spans three budget years: (1) Previous fiscal year: An audit is performed in the fall of the previous fiscal year, and the audit is received by the Board of Commissioners. The Annual Financial Report, including the audited financial statements, for the previous fiscal year is submitted to the Michigan Supreme Court in December. (2) Current fiscal year: The Finance Committee receives and reviews monthly financial statements and budget forecasts. Budget amendments are approved by the Board of Commissioners as needed. (3) Next fiscal year: The process of developing the next year’s budget begins in the spring, with the Finance Committee doing a comprehensive review of the budget before recommending it to the full Board for approval at the July Board meeting.
- Lawyer Services
- The Lawyer Services team provides guidance and resources to attorneys, their staff, and the public, and it is the first point of contact for members of the Bar to access the many services the Bar has to offer. The team also plays an integral role in the license renewal process, organizes SBM events, processes requests for Certificates of Good Standing and Confirmations of Status, and develops and maintains relationships with partner programs.
- License Renewal and Payment Process
- The State Bar of Michigan administers the annual license renewal process for more than 46,000 member attorneys, which, as directed by the Michigan Supreme Court, includes distributing funds to the State Bar of Michigan, the Attorney Discipline System, and the Client Protection Fund. The State Bar also collects and distributes voluntary contributions and section dues. Michigan attorneys renew their licenses quickly and efficiently using the Bar’s online renewal system.
- Retiree Trust Accounts Management
- SBM maintains investments in a Retiree Healthcare Trust jointly with the Attorney Discipline System to pay for the healthcare premiums of qualified employees upon retirement. The trust investments are managed by Cap Trust.
- Technology Enhancements
- The State Bar of Michigan works to keep its technology — both hardware and software — current and to create efficiencies, support ongoing operations, and serve members in the best way possible.
- Advertising
- The State Bar of Michigan sells advertising as a non-dues revenue source that helps recoup the cost of producing member benefits. Reduced advertising rates are offered to sections and members as an additional member benefit. Our current advertising vehicles include the Michigan Bar Journal print issue, online Michigan Bar Journal, and eJournal newsletter (email) and website. Classified advertising is also offered in the print Bar Journal and offered separately online, with links appearing in both the online MBJ and eJournal.
- Lawyer Services
- The Lawyer Services team provides guidance and resources to attorneys, their staff, and the public, and it is the first point of contact for members of the Bar to access the many services the Bar has to offer. The team also plays an integral role in the license renewal process, organizes SBM events, processes requests for Certificates of Good Standing and Confirmations of Status, and develops and maintains relationships with partner programs.
- License Renewal and Payment Process
- The State Bar of Michigan administers the annual license renewal process for more than 46,000 member attorneys, which, as directed by the Michigan Supreme Court, includes distributing funds to the State Bar of Michigan, the Attorney Discipline System, and the Client Protection Fund. The State Bar also collects and distributes voluntary contributions and section dues. Michigan attorneys renew their licenses quickly and efficiently using the Bar’s online renewal system.
- Marketing and Communications
- The State Bar of Michigan uses marketing and communications to promote events, reinforce core messaging, and educate Michigan attorneys about Bar services. This work is customized based on the needs that are addressed and can include some or all of the following promotional tools: advertisements; flyers, brochures, or other printed materials; targeted or all member emails and eblasts; webpage design; news items and press releases; social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram); and features in the Michigan Bar Journal, eJournal, and SBM Today.
- Technology Enhancements
- The State Bar of Michigan works to keep its technology — both hardware and software — current and to create efficiencies, support ongoing operations, and serve members in the best way possible.