PLEASE NOTE: Effective January 1, 2025, MCR 8.126 was amended. Please review the rule prior to submitting an application for Pro Hac Vice admission.

Pro Hac Vice: Temporary Admission to Practice Law in Michigan

Michigan Court Rule 8.126 sets forth the process for foreign (out-of-state) attorneys to apply for temporary admission to practice in a Michigan court, administrative tribunal, or arbitration. A foreign attorney may be admitted to practice in no more than five cases during a 365-day period, unless the foreign attorney has a pending application for admission without examination to the Michigan Bar pursuant to BLE Rule 5.  During the time that a BLE Rule 5 application is pending, the five case limit is removed. A Michigan attorney must move for the temporary admission of the foreign attorney. The cost to apply for temporary admission is $155, however, that fee may be waived for certain applicants.  Please review MCR 8.126(4) for more information about fee waivers.


How Do I Apply For Pro Hac Vice Admission?

Michigan Lawyer Must Move for Admission

The Michigan lawyer prepares and submits the motion and materials on behalf of the out-of-state attorney seeking temporary admission to court and the State Bar of Michigan.

Preparing the Motion and Accompanying Materials

  • Motion: The motion must be filed by the sponsoring Michigan attorney with the court in which the foreign attorney seeks admission, stating that the Michigan attorney has read the foreign attorney’s affidavit and disciplinary disposition(s), if any, believes the foreign attorney’s representations are true, and will ensure that the procedures of MCR 8.126 will be followed. A form motion is available here (Word Doc).
  • Certificate of Good Standing: The foreign attorney must provide a certificate of good standing issued within the last 30 days from jurisdiction where the attorney is licensed and eligible to practice.
  • Affidavit: The foreign attorney must provide an affidavit with the items set forth in MCR 8.126(C)(1)(b). A form affidavit is available here (Word Doc).
  • Disciplinary Records: Copies of any disciplinary dispositions concerning the foreign attorney must also accompany the motion.

Submitting the Motion and Accompanying Materials

  • State Bar of Michigan: The foreign attorney must submit a copy of the motion and accompanying materials — combined in a single PDF — and pay the pro hac vice fee of $155. Payment must be made electronically when submitting the pro hac vice application, and may be paid by credit card, debit card, or electronic check. Credit card payments will be assessed a transaction fee of 2.5%. Payments made using electronic check or debit card will NOT be assessed a transaction fee. If you've previously applied for Pro Hac Vice admission, you should login to your existing account and create a new case. First-time applicants should create a member profile. Contact for login assistance. The motion must contain the case number and the Judge’s name. Note: The online system does not allow users to amend information after it is submitted.
  • Court: The Michigan attorney must file the motion and accompanying materials in the court in which the foreign attorney seeks admission.


What Happens Next?

  • State Bar of Michigan: The State Bar of Michigan will notify the court of the number of times the foreign attorney has been temporarily admitted in the state in the last 365 days. This notice will be sent out within seven days of receiving the temporary admission materials.
  • Court: The court will then decide whether to grant the motion for temporary admission.
  • Foreign Lawyer: The foreign attorney must email a copy of the court’s admission order within seven days to



Please contact the State Bar of Michigan at or (517) 367-6426.

Important Points

  • Foreign attorneys may be admitted pro hac vice up to five times a year. Exceptions exist for foreign attorneys who have an application for admission to the Michigan Bar pending under BLE Rule 5. Please review MCR 8.126(B)(3) & (4) for more information.
  • The motion must be submitted to both the court and the State Bar of Michigan (SBM).
  • Motion materials must be submitted to SBM in a single PDF through the pro hac vice application portal.
  • Foreign attorneys are required under MRC 8.126 to submit a copy of the pro hac vice admission order to SBM. Email the Order to

Sample Documents

Motion (Word Doc)
Affidavit (Word Doc)