Strategic Plan 2017-2027
Statement of Purpose
A statement of purpose, or mission, is designed to define an organization’s fundamental reason for being, and for whom. It also establishes the scope of its major activity areas, providing the framework for selecting the goals and strategies required to move the organization forward. The Supreme Court Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan provide:
“...The State Bar of Michigan shall aid in promoting improvements in the administration of justice and advancements in jurisprudence, in improving relations between the legal profession and the public, and in promoting the interests of the legal profession in this state.”
This statement provides the foundation upon which the State Bar of Michigan Strategic Plan is built and positions the State Bar of Michigan to:
- Promote the professionalism of lawyers
- Advocate for an open, fair and accessible justice system
- Provide services to members that enable them to best serve their clients
Statement of Core Values
These core values direct fundamentally how the State Bar of Michigan will conduct itself as it works to achieve our goals and fulfill our mission.
In fulfilling our mission to promote improvements in the administration of justice and advancements in jurisprudence, the State Bar of Michigan finds it essential to our mission to advocate for an open, fair and accessible justice system for all.
The State Bar of Michigan, as an organization, its staff, and volunteers, who carry out the work of the bar, shall undertake service to its members and the larger legal community, being especially attentive to the needs of the public, who is served by the justice system.
We respect the rule of law, and will promote ethical conduct, personal integrity, and civility in all our deliberations, decisions, and interactions within the organization and with all others participatingwithin the justice system.
Diversity and Inclusion
The State Bar of Michigan recognizes that as an association we are more effective when we bring different perspectives, experiences, backgrounds, talents and interests to decision-making about how we carry out our mission. In addition to promoting greater diversity in the profession, the State Bar of Michigan embraces a culture within its leadership and governance processes that is open to and respects differing views and perspectives.
We will continually strive to explore and advance new ways to provide excellent service to our members and to the public, and to promote ethical use of technology and high standards of performance in the practice of law.
Goals and Strategies

Activities Related to Strategic Plan
This includes information from the 2022 Strategic Plan Activities report which is based on the 2017-2023 Strategic Plan. Goals and strategies differ slightly from the current 2017-2027 Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the Board of Trustees in April 2023.
Click on a goal to see the strategies and supporting State Bar of Michigan programs.
View or download the PDF version of the State Bar of Michigan's 2017-2027 Strategic Plan here.