Public Outreach & Education Committee
Support the public education services of the State Bar of Michigan
- Assisting in developing educational events and programs advancing lay understanding of law and the legal profession, with particular emphasis on community programs, including Law Day and Constitution Day
- Providing review and recommendations concerning the State Bar of Michigan's online resources available to the public
- Exploring and assessing opportunities for collaboration in public outreach consistent with SBM strategic goals with local bar associations, nonlegal professional associations, and other external entities
- Conferring and coordinating regularly with the Unauthorized Practice of Lawv committee to discuss how each committee's work might interact with and support the other's work
- Recommending Michigan Legal Milestones that commemorate significant cases, events, places and people in the State's legal history, and upon approval of the Board of Commissioners, helping implement the milestone and its celebration
- Reviewing reports on effectiveness of public outreach programming from the Social Media and Website Committee based on evaluation metrics, and utilizing these reports as a basis for recommending improvements in content and modification or discontinuation of programs.
Note: This committee may have more than 15 members.
2024-2025 Committee List