Step 5: Bar Exam—UBE Transfer
Contact Information—BLE
Email State Board of Law Examiners
- Phone: (517) 373-4453
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30052, Lansing, MI 48909
Michigan Bar Exam Application
Transfer MBE Score
In some circumstances, an applicant may arrange to transfer a Multistate Bar Examination score from another jurisdiction taken during the immediate preceding three years. (See F-2 Form at Step 3 and MBE Transfer Deadline Information)
UBE Transfer Information
Applications to transfer Uniform Bar Exam scores to Michigan are accepted January 15–May 15 and August 15–December 15. Please see the Uniform Bar Exam Transfer instructions to begin an application. Updates and additional information about the UBE process is posted on the Board of Law Examiners website.
Michigan Law Basics Online Training
The Michigan Law Basics online training is required for all applicants to the Michigan Bar. Applicants for admission by examination may not complete the training until the completion of law school. The training will be available starting February 15, 2023.
The training is a collaboration between the Board of Law Examiners and The Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE).
Information regarding the training (FAQs) is available here.
Register for the training here.
Bar Examination
The examination days will consist of two 3-hour sessions. Day one – morning is MPT testing, consisting of 2 performance tests and afternoon is MEE testing, consisting of 6 essay questions.
The second day of the examination is the Multistate Bar Examination consisting of 200 multiple choice questions prepared by the National Conference of Bar Examiners
Exam Day Preparation
During the first week of the exam month, the Board of Law Examiners will mail bar exam admission information to registered applicants. This information is sent via first class mail to the applicant's "permanent" address (as reported on the Application to Sit, F-1).
Venue Information
The Michigan bar examination is administered by the Board of Law Examiners on the last Tuesday and Wednesday in the months of February and July. The examinations are held at the Kellogg Center (February) and Breslin Center (July) on the campus of Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Additional testing facilities in the Lansing, Michigan area may be used if necessary.
Post Exam