Step 3: Record Requests

Third-party information such as: criminal history reports; driving records; litigation documents; and reference letters, is not required to be submitted at the same time as your bar application. However, for the Character & Fitness staff to complete the processing of your application, the original documents from third parties should be forwarded to the Character & Fitness Department promptly.

Required Third Party Information Instructions

Forms needed to provide supplemental information and application updates. These forms can be saved to your computer. All forms are in PDF format.

NOTE: Please click "refresh" in your browser AFTER opening each form. This will ensure you have the most recent version of the file.

Change of Address Form
F-2 Transfer MBE Score to Michigan
F-4u Residence History Update/Amendment
F-5u Employment History Update
F-6 Supplemental Answer Sheet—General
F-7 Supplemental Answer Sheet—Criminal
F-9 Affidavit of Criminal History
F-11 Request for Law School Certification
F-12 Bar Applicant Reference
F-14 Livescan Fingerprint Request Form (Residents and Non-Residents use this form)
Repository Listing

Email Character & Fitness Department

  • Phone: (517) 367-6510
  • Mailing Address: State Bar of Michigan, Attn C&F, 306 Townsend St, Lansing, MI 48933