Password Reset

Resetting Your Password in the Member Area

Visit the Member Area at and click on the Password Reset button. You have two options: reset online or reset by email. Try to reset online first.

Password Reset

1. Reset Online

Resetting Your Password Onlinea. Enter your P number, e.g., P12345. Affiliate members can only reset their password by email.

b. Enter your birth date with slashes, e.g., 02/15/1964

c. Select the county where you were sworn in, or Supreme Court if that applies to you. Make a guess if you’re unsure.

d. Click the Reset Online button

i. If your entries were matched to an attorney record, you’ll be given the opportunity to choose a new password of a) more than 7 characters, b) both numbers and letters, and c) not used before. If you see an error message, try selecting a different password.

ii. If your entries did not match an attorney record, you’ll see an error message. If your P# and birth date are correct, try selecting a different county (is it possible you were sworn in somewhere other than your first guess?). If you still see an error, try resetting by email.

2. Reset by Email

Resetting Your Password by Emaila. Enter the email address on file with the State Bar. You can verify your email in the Member Directory at

b. Click Send Email button. An email should arrive in 5–10 minutes.

c. Follow the email instructions by clicking the link and selecting a new password of a) more than 7 characters, b) both numbers and letters, and c) not used before. If you see an error message, try selecting a different password.

d. If an email doesn’t arrive, look in your Spam or Junk folders. Outlook users should check their Other and Junk folders.

If you try both methods and cannot reset your password, contact Member Services at (888) 726-3678 or for assistance.