Public Policy Resource Center

The Public Policy Resource Center is a member resource and tool designed to provide comprehensive, up-to-date public policy information of interest to the legal profession. The site provides a search function that permits you to view all legislation organized by specialty area as it is introduced, identify the appropriate official to contact to communicate your views, and keep track of the public policy initiatives of the State Bar and its entities.

The Board of Commissioners will conduct an electronic vote to take a position on these bills on or after February 21, 2025.

Members of the Bar who wish to submit comments on it to the Board may do so through the comment submission form, or by emailing Nathan Triplett, Director of Governmental Relations at

  1. Executive Budget for the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission for the 2026 Fiscal Year (pages O-47 through O-50)

    Executive Budget for the Department of the Judiciary for the 2026 Fiscal Year (pages L-35 through L-38)

The Board of Commissioners will conduct an electronic vote to take a position on these items on or after March 5, 2025. Members of the Bar who wish to submit comments on it to the Board may do so through the comment submission form, or by emailing Nathan Triplett, Director of Governmental Relations at

1. SB 82 (Chang) Courts: judges; personal information and physical safety protections for judges, their families, and household members; enhance. Creates new act.

2. ADM File No. 2022-34: Proposed Amendments of MCR 3.993 and 6.428
The proposed amendment of MCR 3.993 would add a new subrule (F) to provide for the restoration of appellate rights in juvenile cases, similar to that of criminal cases under MCR 6.428. The proposed amendment of MCR 3.993 would also provide a time limit for filing a motion under the rule, and both proposed amendments would clarify that a motion for restoration of appellate rights is limited to grounds for relief not raised in a prior proceeding or appeal, as well as require parties to provide the Court of Appeals with a copy of the order restoring appellate rights when filing the appeal unless the Court of Appeals directs otherwise.

3. ADM File No. 2023-33: Proposed Amendment of MCR 7.209
The proposed amendment of MCR 7.209 would clarify that the appellate courts can sua sponte order a stay of proceedings or stay the effect or enforcement of any trial court judgment or order.

4. ADM File No. 2024-38: Proposed Amendment of Administrative Order No. 1985-5
The proposed amendment of AO 1985-5 would shorten the timeframe in which juvenile probation officers and casework staff must complete the Michigan Judicial Institute (MJI) certification training, establish new employment criteria when hiring juvenile probation officers, and ensure that copies of various tools, guides, and results are incorporated into case planning. These proposed amendments align with recommendations from the Juvenile Justice Task Force and recent legislation.

Public Policy & the State Bar

Because the State Bar of Michigan is a mandatory bar association, the Bar can only advocate public policy positions that are reasonably related to:

  1. the regulation and discipline of attorneys;

  2. the improvement of the functioning of the courts;

  3. the availability of legal services to society;

  4. the regulation of attorney trust accounts; and

  5. the regulation of the legal profession, including the education, the ethics, the competency, and the integrity of the profession.

Sections of the State Bar that are funded by voluntary dues are not subject to these restrictions, and may engage in ideological activities on their own behalf provided that they follow the policies and procedures in Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Order 2004-01 and in Article VIII of the Bylaws of the State Bar of Michigan.

Administrative Order 2004-01 limits and describes the issues on which the State Bar may take public policy positions, and the process for section and member involvement.

Article VIII of the Bylaws of the State Bar of Michigan governs public policy advocacy by sections and committees of the State Bar.

Member Comments

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Members are encouraged to submit comments on pending public policy issues, including proposed court rules and legislation that is eligible to be considered by the Board of Commissioners for action. All comments received from members will be shared with the Board of Commissioners and/or Representative Assembly when they consider that public policy item.

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Searchable Positions Database

The searchable database includes all positions taken by the State Bar and positions reported to the State Bar by its sections and committees. Users are able to search the database by legislative session, bill number, bill sponsor, State Bar positions, section positions, committee positions, or practice area.

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