Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program
Practicing Wellness
From the Michigan Bar Journal
- Navigating menopause in the legal profession by Mary Pate
- Men’s health: More than just a new year’s resolution by Dr. Michael Lutz
- Chronic stress: It’s bad for your health by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Yes, lawyers are special by Thomas J. Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Retirement: The last frontier by Liam McGill
- Practicing Wellness: The practice (and importance) of cultivating happiness by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: A primer on sympathy and empathy by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Recognizing and combatting lawyer burnout: A guide by Karissa Wallace
- Practicing Wellness: Embrace hypocrisy: Leveraging cognitive dissonance as a mechanism for change by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Mental health: Welcoming differences, overcoming stigmas by Dan Berstein
- Practicing Wellness: The next right thing: How to function when you feel frozen by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Knowing when to rest your case by Dawn Grimes-Kulongowski
- Practicing Wellness: Authenticity: The best (cheap) sunglasses money can’t buy by Blair Johnson
- Practicing Wellness: The many benefits of the SBM Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Therapy demystified: Just what do all those letters mean? by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Stop carrying everyone’s orange juice: the curse of competence by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Letting go of others’ expectations by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Why stick with it? A teacher commiserates celebrates by Todd Day
- Practicing Wellness: Boundaries, balance, and well-being by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: The dangerous and unspoken nature of shame and how to be shame resilient by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Lawyer well-being: a recipe for positive change by Katie Stanley
- Practicing Wellness: Examine your devotion to the practice of law by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Embrace ease to improve your career experience by Karissa Wallace
- Practicing Wellness: Overcoming Overwhelm by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: The case for discomfort: Why we struggle to change by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: Emerging lawyers face imposter syndrome by Victoria Osburn
- Practicing Wellness: Workplace culture: What's love got to do with it? by Dawn Grimes Kulongowski
- Practicing Wellness: Well-being for working women by Molly Ranns and Kylie Thompson
- Practicing Wellness: Suicide prevention in the legal community by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Stop telling me to be mindful by Dawn Grimes Kulongowski
- Practicing Wellness: Attorney impairment and ethical practice by Thomas Grden
- Practicing Wellness: The dangers of perfectionism by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Cultivating healthy lawyers: Good for business by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Resiliency through Spiritual Wellness by Mary C. Aretha and Lynn B. Sholander
- Practicing Wellness: Anxiety: Occasionally Useful, Frequently Problematic by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: The State Bar of Michigan Provides SOLACE by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: LJAP Offers Connection Through New Virtual Support Groups by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Change is Here to Stay by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness: Creating, Excavating, and Becoming by Katie Stanley
- Practicing Wellness: When Caring Takes a Toll by Molly Ranns
- Practicing Wellness by Katie Stanley
- Practicing Wellness: The Many Benefits of Gratitude by Molly Ranns
- Mindful Lawyering—It’s a Practice by Katie Stanley
- Coping with Stress or Stressfully Coping? by Molly Ranns
- Coping with Pandemic Fatigue by Molly Ranns
- Two Absolutes by Tish Vincent
- Positive Lawyers and Law Firms by Tish Vincent
- Responding to the Opioid Crisis by Tish Vincent
- Hot Potato by Tish Vincent
- The Privilege of Speaking with You by Tish Vincent
- Houston, We Have a Problem by Tish Vincent
- "To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer" by Tish Vincent
- The Law is a Jealous Mistress by Tish Vincent
- When Is It Time To Seek Help? by Jeffrey Zapor
- Well-Being by Tish Vincent
- Breakfast Burritos and Torts by Tish Vincent
- Emotional Maturity by Tish Vincent
- Let's Talk About Suicide, Again by Tish Vincent
- ABA CoLAP and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation: Research Findings on Mental Health of Attorneys by Tish Vincent
- "I'm Feeling a Little Anxious" by Tish Vincent
- Self-Compassion? by Tish Vincent
- It's Never Too Late by Tish Vincent
- First, Do No Harm by Tish Vincent
- Hero or Foe? by Tish Vincent
- Grace Under Pressure by Tish Vincent
- Protecting the Public by Tish Vincent
- Lawyers and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by Tish Vincent
- Seasonal Affective Disorder by Tish Vincent
- Assuming Another's Responsibility by Tish Vincent
- A Spiritual Focus Can Strengthen Wellness by Molly Dean
- Misery or Happiness: Which Will You Choose? by Tish Vincent
- Information Management by Tish Vincent
- Gearing Down Gracefully by Tish Vincent
- Suicide Prevention: Raising Awareness, Generating Hope by Tish Vincent
- Sleep: The Gentle Tyrant by Tish Vincent
- Wellness Checklist by Tish Vincent
- Creativity and Intrinsic Motivation by Tish Vincent
- Change is Possible by Tish Vincent
- Am I Teachable? by Tish Vincent
- Conflict Resolution Revisited by Tish Vincent
- How Attorneys Underearn by Ann M. Guinn
- Stress Management: Healthy vs. Unhealthy by Tish Vincent
- Attorney Optimism by Tish Vincent
- Auf Wiedersehen, Danke Schön, Alles Gute . . . Goodbye, Thank You, and Best Wishes by Martha D. Burkett
- Be Still and Listen: Mindfulness for Lawyers by Nancy A. Werner
- Thank You to Our Readers by Martha D. Burkett
- COLAP Annual Meeting 2011: A Preview of Things to Come by Martha D. Burkett
- Navigating the Emotional Minefield Called Litigation by Candyce Ewing Abbatt
- A Beacon of Hope by Martha D. Burkett
- Men Caught in the Web of Internet Pornography & Sex Addiction by Randy Flood
- Wellness Through Grief by Molly Dean
- The Billable Hour and Lawyer Wellness by Tim Batdorf
- The Richard Steinberg Memorial Treatment Fund: A Gift that Keeps on Giving by Martha D. Burkett
- Creative Giving: The Bounty of the Barrister's Ball by Martha D. Burkett
- Creative Giving: Law Students Supporting Wellness in the Legal Profession by Diana Miers
- Brighton Hospital's Bright Idea by Martha D. Burkett
- Recap of an Evening of Enlightenment by Martha D. Burkett
- Taking a Healthy Risk: The Lawyers Group by Tim Batford
- Stress Management for Lawyers: An Ounce of Prevention ... by Martha D. Burkett
- Time Management for Lawyers: A Psychological Perspective by Amiram Elwork
- Renewal and Replenishment in 2010: The Richard Steinberg Memorial Treatment Fund by Martha D. Burkett
- Impaired Driving Convictions and the Disciplinary Process (Part 2 of 2) by Cynthia C. Bullington
- Impaired Driving Convictions and the Disciplinary Process (Part 1 of 2) by Cynthia C. Bullington
- Ain't No Cure for the School-Time Blues by David G. Beighley
- Help Me, I'm Depressed by Richard J. Kay and Nathan M. Comerford
- Life Balance? Forgetaboutit! by Tim Batdorf
- Reflections on an Evening of Enlightenment by Martha D. Burkett and Maya McElroy
- Gambling: The Hidden Addiction by Judy Herriff
- An Avoidable Death by Jeff Jay and Debra Jay
- Now is the Time: Making New Rules for the Legal Culture by Martha D. Burkett
- The Health Checkup: Taking Responsibility for Your Health Care by Linda Harms
- Who Moved My Qi? - An In-depth Look at Auricular Acupuncture by Virginia M. June
- Which Came First, the Egg or the Hen? by Martha Burkett
- Rest in Silence: Meditation for Lawyers by Nancy A. Werner
- Authentic Lawyering: Engaging Your Head and Your Heart by Ruth L. Rickard
LJAP Helpline (800) 996-5522