Law License Renewal Information
2024–2025 LICENSE FEES |
50+ year of membership |
50+ year of membership |
$260.00 |
$0.00 |
$130.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$140.00 |
$140.00 |
$140.00 |
$140.00 |
$0.00 |
$15.00 |
$15.00 |
$7.50 |
$7.50 |
$0.00 |
$415.00 |
$155.00 |
$277.50 |
$147.50 |
$0.00 |
All attorneys licensed to practice in Michigan must renew their license every year. See the Michigan Supreme Court Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan here.
See our Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
The State Bar of Michigan administers the license renewal process and distributes the funds as directed by the Michigan Supreme Court. Mandatory fees paid by Michigan attorneys fund the State Bar of Michigan, the Attorney Discipline System, and the Client Protection Fund.
Active and inactive Michigan attorneys will receive an email on or before September 20 each year inviting them to renew their license. Reminder emails typically are sent in October and November to attorneys who have not yet renewed their licenses. License renewals are completed online: Visit michbar.org/MemberArea to renew your license. Fees can be paid online or by mail.
A $50 late fee must be assessed on all payments not made online or postmarked by the post office on or before November 30.
License Renewal Frequently Asked Questions
What should I expect when renewing my license?

- Login: Visit michbar.org/MemberArea (or click on the link in your renewal email) and log in to the SBM member area. Note: This page will indicate if license renewal is needed, if license renewal is complete, or if the State Bar is awaiting payment to complete your license renewal. Look directly below where your name appears. The renewal site does not work with Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. Please use a different browser such as Chrome, Edge, or Safari.
- Contact Information: Michigan attorneys are required to keep current contact information including address, phone number, and email address on file with the State Bar of Michigan. (See Rule 2 of the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan)
- Preferences: You are able to select your preferences for the Michigan Bar Journal, e Journal, online Member Directory email listing, Bar Card, and receiving information from SBM preferred partners. This section also collects information on occupation/practice.
- Status: Review your current status with the State Bar of Michigan and receive information on how to change your status, if desired.
- Mandatory Regulation Disclosures: All licensed attorneys in Michigan are required to annually complete Mandatory Regulation Disclosures, which ask about Interim Administrator Planning, IOLTA and non-IOLTA funds, other licensing jurisdictions, malpractice insurance, and any undisclosed criminal convictions.
- Donations: Voluntary contributions can be made to the Justice Fund Statewide Operations, Lawyers & Judges Assistance Program Fund, and the Hall of Justice Learning Center Fund.
- Sections: Section memberships are typically voluntary, but an excellent resource to stay up to date on practice area information. Some, but not all, sections charge a membership fee.
- Payment: Your total fee, based on your selections, will be automatically calculated for you. Paying online is recommended because it is faster and easier, but SBM does continue to accept mailed payments (check, money order, or cashier’s check). If paying by mail, please note that you will continue to receive notifications that your renewal is not complete until your payment is received and processed. It can take several weeks for mailed payments to be processed.
- Pay online with no transaction fee using electronic check or debit card (Visa/Mastercard)
- Pay online with a 2.5% transaction fee using a Visa/Mastercard credit card: Fee will not be assessed on voluntary donations or section membership dues.
- Pay by mail using check, money order, or cashier’s check: Instructions and mailing address are provided when renewing your license. You still must complete the license renewal process online including the mandatory regulation disclosures. It can take several weeks for your payment to be received and processed by the State Bar of Michigan. You will continue to receive reminders that you have not completed the license renewal process until the payment is processed. Any payments not postmarked by the post office on or before November 30 will be assessed a $50 late fee. After your payment is processed, it will indicate that your license renewal is complete when you log into the online member area at michbar.org/MemberArea.
- If your employer pays your license fees: You are responsible for ensuring your license renewal is completed and will be responsible for any late fees or failure to complete renewal, including payment.
- Consolidated Billing: If your employer participates in SBM’s Consolidated Billing program: You simply need to complete your online renewal. You will be billed during your license renewal for any fees not covered by your employer.
- Reimbursement: Pay your fees online or by mail as explained above. Your receipt will be emailed to you and is also available under “Payment History”.
- Other: If your employer pays your fee but is not enrolled in the Consolidated Billing program: Print your remittance document and submit it to the appropriate personnel in your organization for payment.
- Receipt: When paying online, you will be emailed a copy of your receipt. Receipts for all payment types also are available in the online member area at michbar.org/MemberArea. Click on “Payment History.” Online payments will be processed immediately but can be reversed if the payment is later rejected (e.g., insufficient funds or incorrect account number). Mailed payments can take several weeks to process due to mail delivery delays and manual processing time. SBM cannot confirm receipt of payment until it has been processed. If you paid online and did not receive a receipt, email SBMfinance@michbar.org or call (517) 346-6377 for assistance.
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Do I need a password or login to pay my fees online?
Yes. All attorneys and affiliates have a username and password. You can reset your password here if needed.
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I am having a problem accessing my account online. What should I do?
If you have a login problem that can’t be addressed by resetting your password, please email SBMloginhelp@michbar.org or call Lawyer Services during business hours at (888) 726-3678. You can also email pwreset@michbar.org from your email address on record and we will send you a new password by the end of the next business day.
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How do I get help with my license renewal?
Please first review all of our frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered there or if you need accommodations, please email SBMfinance@michbar.org or call (517) 346-6377 for assistance.
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What is the license renewal deadline?
All licenses should be renewed by the October 1 start of the new Bar year. A $50 late fee is assessed for any license renewals not completed (including payment of all fees) by 11:59 p.m. ET on November 30. If you mail your fee payment, it must be postmarked by the post office on or before November 30. Michigan Supreme Court rules do not allow for exceptions or extensions, and late fees cannot be waived by State Bar of Michigan staff.
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Can my assistant handle my license renewal?
You are responsible for the security of your account and are advised not to share your login credentials.
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How do I know when it is time for me to renew my license?
The State Bar of Michigan will send an email and multiple reminders (until license renewal is complete) to the email address you have on file in September. To ensure you are receiving SBM emails, add “@michbar.org” to the approved sender list. (Here are instructions for Outlook and Gmail).
Michigan attorneys are required to keep current contact information including address, phone number, and email address on file with the State Bar of Michigan. (See Rule 2 of the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan) To change the email address you have on file with the State Bar, visit the online member area at michbar.org/MemberArea and click “Profile.”
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When will I receive my Bar Card?
If you chose to receive a Bar Card as one of your Preferences in the license renewal process, you can expect to receive your Bar Card within 30 days after you complete your license renewal.
If you need a temporary Bar Card, please email SBMfinance@michbar.org for assistance.
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Can I receive my Bar Card and other mailings at my home instead of my office?
You can add a secondary mailing address during the license renewal process and choose to have the State Bar of Michigan use this address as your mailing address.
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What happens if I don’t renew my license or pay my license fee?
If you don’t complete the license renewal process, you will be suspended and will not be authorized to practice law in Michigan.
Attorneys who do not complete their license renewal are mailed a pre-suspension letter in January. If license renewal and fee payment are not completed within 30 days, the attorney is suspended and no longer authorized to practice law in Michigan.
A list of attorneys suspended for nonpayment of fees is posted online and disseminated to Michigan courts, the Attorney Grievance Commission, the Attorney Discipline Board, and the clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court.
Attorneys who have been suspended for less than three years and are not subject to a disciplinary order can be reinstated after payment of all outstanding license and late fees as well as a one-time $100 reinstatement fee. Attorneys who have been suspended for more than three years must apply for recertification under Rule 8 for the Board of Law Examiners. The Board of Law Examiners’ request for recertification form is available here. Contact the Board of Law Examiners at ble-info@courts.mi.gov or (517) 373-4453 for more information.
Attorneys suspended for nonpayment of fees, if eligible, may resign or choose emeritus status.
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What status options are available?
Active: Active attorneys are authorized to practice law in Michigan and have the option to receive a Bar Card, which facilitates access to Michigan courts and jails. In addition, they receive access to full SBM benefits including section membership, publications, and services.
Inactive: Inactive attorneys are considered members in good standing, but are not authorized to practice law in Michigan. Attorneys who choose inactive status for three or more Bar years must be recertified by the Board of Law Examiners, may be required to retake the bar exam, and may undergo the character and fitness process before being allowed to return to active status. Inactive attorneys pay partial license fees and must renew their Inactive status annually during license renewal. Inactive attorneys do not receive a bar card, but they do have access to all other State Bar of Michigan benefits, including section membership.
Emeritus: Emeritus attorneys are no longer authorized to practice law or receive referral fees in Michigan. To qualify for emeritus status, attorneys must have been a member of the State Bar of Michigan for at least 30 years or be at least 70 years old. They also must not be subject to a pending disciplinary action. Emeritus attorneys do not have the option to receive a bar card, but they do have access to other State Bar of Michigan benefits, including section membership. To return to active status, emeritus attorneys must retake the Michigan bar exam unless Board of Law Examiners Rules 5(A) or 8 apply. Emeritus attorneys do not pay license fees and are not required to renew their status.
Resigned: Resigned attorneys are no longer authorized to practice law or receive referral fees in Michigan. They do not receive a bar card nor do they have access to any other State Bar of Michigan benefits. Attorneys who are not subject to pending disciplinary action in any jurisdiction may resign from membership. To be readmitted as an active member, an attorney who has resigned must retake the Michigan bar exam to return to active status unless they are eligible for admission under Board of Law Examiners Rules 5(A) or 8. Resigned attorneys do not pay license fees and are not required to renew their status.
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How do I exclude my contact information from the online directories?
You have the option during license renewal to exclude your email address from the online directories in Communication Preferences. If you need to withhold publication of other information due to safety concerns, you must submit your request for a limited listing by using this form.
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How do I change my status?
You'll be asked if you want to change your status near the beginning of the license renewal process and can make changes then. See also FAQ questions:
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How do I change my status from inactive to active?
If you want to change your inactive status to active status after you have completed your license renewal, please complete this form and return as directed on the form. Once we receive the completed form, we will contact you to complete the payment. Please note: Attorneys who have been inactive for more than three Bar years must apply for recertification under Rule 8 for the Board of Law Examiners. The Board of Law Examiners’ request for recertification form is available here. Contact the Board of Law Examiners at ble-info@courts.mi.gov or (517) 373-4453 for more information.
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What do I do if I am suspended for nonpayment of license renewal fees?
If you were suspended for the current Bar year (October 1 to September 30), visit the online member area at michbar.org/MemberArea and click “Renew My License.”
If you were suspended prior to the current Bar year, but have been suspended for less than three years and are not subject to a disciplinary order, you can be reinstated after payment of all outstanding license and late fees as well as a one-time $100 reinstatement fee. To apply for reinstatement (to the same status you were prior to suspension), please complete this form and return it as directed on the form. Once we receive the completed form, we will contact you to complete the payment.
Attorneys who have been suspended for more than three years must apply for recertification under Rule 8 for the Board of Law Examiners. The Board of Law Examiners’ request for recertification form is available here. Contact the Board of Law Examiners at ble-info@courts.mi.gov or (517) 373-4453 for more information.
Attorneys suspended for nonpayment of fees, if eligible, may resign or choose emeritus status.
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What are Mandatory Regulation Disclosures and why are they required?
The Michigan Supreme Court requires all attorneys to annually complete Mandatory Regulation Disclosures on topics including interim administrator planning, IOLTA and Non-IOLTA funds, additional legal licenses, malpractice insurance, and any undisclosed criminal convictions.
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Why is it asking me to designate an interim administrator?
The Michigan Supreme Court issued ADM File No. 2020-15 adding to and amending the Rules Concerning the State Bar of Michigan and Michigan Court Rules to establish Rule 21: Mandatory Interim Administrator Planning for all private practice attorneys in Michigan. If you answered yes that you are in private practice, you must both name a person with knowledge of your practice and make an interim administrator plan (by designating an attorney/law firm to serve as your interim administrator OR enrolling in the State Bar of Michigan's Interim Administrator Program).
The State Bar of Michigan must verify that any attorney or law firm designated as interim administrator is willing to serve. You have not fulfilled your responsibilities under Rule 21 until they attorney you designate accepts your nomination.
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What is consolidated billing?
The State Bar of Michigan offers consolidated billing to any organization with at least five attorneys to facilitate payment of license fees. The improved service allows employers to easily pay their attorneys’ license fees by automating the tracking, calculation, and processing of renewal payments. Sign-up has closed for the 2024-2025 Bar year, but if your organization is interested in participating in the future, please contact SBMfinance@michbar.org or call (517) 346-6377.
Organizations paying fees for attorneys and affiliates, but not participating in consolidated billing, must collect remittance documents from each employee and submit them with their payment.
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What forms of payment are accepted?
Payments are accepted online with electronic check, debit card, and credit card as well as by mail with check, money order, or cashier’s check. We do not accept Discover or American Express. Payments are not accepted over the phone. Payment may be reversed if your bank or financial institution rejects the payment. If payment is rejected by your bank due to insufficient funds, a $25 fee will be assessed to your account.
See also FAQ question: What should I expect when renewing my license?
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How can I confirm my payment and/or get a receipt?
Log into the State Bar of Michigan online member area at michbar.org/MemberArea and click on “Payment History.” Select “Print Receipt” to view, print, or save your receipt.
Online payments are processed immediately. Mailed payments may take several weeks to process due to delivery delays and manual processing time. SBM cannot confirm receipt of payment until it has been processed.
If you paid online and did not receive a receipt or if you receive a notification that your receipt is not available online, please email SBMfinance@michbar.org or call (517) 346-6377 for assistance.
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Are license fees refundable?
License fees are not refundable once the new fiscal year begins. However, if you paid your license fee before October 1 and request a refund in writing before that date, you can receive a refund.
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Can I pay in installments?
No. Payment in full is required.
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How do I request a military waiver?
If you are an active or inactive member in good standing serving in the U.S. Armed Forces in full-time active-duty status, as defined by the U.S. Department of Defense, you are eligible for a waiver of payment of fees, including the attorney discipline system fee and the Client Protection Fund assessment. An application for a waiver of fees that includes a copy of military orders showing federal active-duty status must be made for each year for which a waiver is requested, and a waiver will be granted up to a total of four times. A member for whom a waiver of fees is granted continues to be subject to the disciplinary system. Please complete the Military Waiver Request form. You will be contacted by the State Bar of Michigan once the request has been received and processed.
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Can longtime members of the State Bar of Michigan receive an exemption from license fees?
Attorneys who have been members of the State Bar of Michigan for 50 years or longer are not required to pay the SBM portion of the license fee. However, those attorneys are still required to complete the online renewal process. The license fee portions related to Attorney Discipline System and Client Protection Fund are not waived. The fee reduction will be automatically reflected when you complete the license renewal process.
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Does the State Bar of Michigan offer a hardship waiver for license fees?
There is not a hardship waiver.
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What if I changed my name?
If you have changed your name, you need to complete a Name Change Request form and submit it according to the instructions on the form.
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How do I apply to the State Bar for a license to practice law?
See also the steps to becoming an attorney here.
New attorneys must be sworn in and submit an online SBM application. Your application is not complete without a copy of the order of admission from your swearing-in and payment of all license fees. Instructions for submitting your Order of Admission are included on your receipt. Once your SBM application, payment, and order of admission have been received and processed, SBM will issue your Bar license number, also called a P number. You are not eligible to practice law until you are issued a P number. You can expect an email containing your P number about 10 business days after all documents and payment have been received. If you choose to receive a bar card, it should arrive in the mail two to three weeks later.
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How do I join or leave a section?
During the license renewal process, you will have the option to select your section memberships (both to join and to leave a section).
To add a section membership at a later date:
- Visit the online member area at michbar.org/MemberArea and log in. Click on “Memberships” .
- Select the section(s) you would like to join.
- Complete the payment process.
For more information on joining a section visit michbar.org/Sections.
For affiliate members:
All affiliate section memberships must be approved by the section.
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Are section membership fees refundable?
Refunds of section membership fees are made at the discretion of the section and must be approved by the section chair.
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