March 17, 2025
Volume 23, Issue 10
In the Capitol
3/18 Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary & Public Safety, 9:00 a.m. MORE
SB 129 (McCann) Civil rights: open meetings; remote meeting participation of certain public body members with disabilities; provide for.
SB 111 (Klinefelt) Civil procedure: personal protection orders; elder and vulnerable adult personal protection order; provide for.
Elder Law & Disability Rights Section Position on SB 111: Support.
SB 112 (Anthony) Crimes: definitions; definition of racketeering; include embezzlement from a vulnerable adult.
Elder Law & Disability Rights Section Position on SB 111: Support.
SB 113 (Hertel) Crimes: embezzlement; embezzlement from vulnerable adults and the estates of vulnerable adults; provide penalties and steps for property recovery.
Elder Law & Disability Rights Section Position on SB 111: Support.
SB 114 (Irwin) Disabilities: other; vulnerable adult multidisciplinary teams; provide for.
Elder Law & Disability Rights Section Position on SB 111: Support.
3/19 House Judiciary, 10:30 a.m. MORE
HB 4033 (Wozniak) Probate: trusts; procedures relating to the administration of unitrusts and income trusts; provide for.
HB 4034 (Wozniak) Probate: trusts; uniform statutory rule against perpetuities; revise to reflect limitation of the personal property trust perpetuities act to certain property.
HB 4045 (Hope) Civil procedure: civil actions; lawsuits for exercising rights to free expression; provide protections against.
SBM Position on HB 4045: Support.
Presentation on Fentanyl Trafficking and Sentencing.
3/20 House Appropriations: Licensing & Regulatory Affairs and Insurance & Financial Services, 9:00 a.m. MORE
Presentation by the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission;
Presentation by the Michigan Public Service Commission.
Complete Committee Meeting List
Legislative Action Last Week:
Summary of legislative action on all bills that the State Bar or sections of the State Bar have taken positions.
HB 4070 (Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Act, Expand Duties To Include Indigent Defense Of Youth) was reported out of the House Committee on Judiciary without amendment on March 12.
SBM Position on HB 4070: Support.
HB 4098 was reported out of the House Committee on Finance without amendment on March 11.
SBM Position on HB 4098: Support.
HB 4099 was reported out of the House Committee on Finance without amendment on March 11.
SBM Position on HB 4099: Support.
SB 82 was reported out of the Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary & Public Safety as substitute S-1 on March 11.
SBM Position on SB 82: Support.
Family Law Section Position on SB 82: Support.
Legislation Introduced 3/11-3/13
Recently, bills were introduced in the following areas of law:
In the Hall of Justice
ADM File No. 2024-11: Housekeeping Amendments
These amendments update cross-references and make other nonsubstantive revisions to clarify the rules.
Issued: 3/10/25
Effective: Immediately
ADM File No. 2019-40: Proposed Adoption of AO 2025-X, Proposed Rescission of AO 2012-7, and Proposed Amendment of MCR 2.407
The proposed administrative order would clarify when, from where, and how a judicial officer may participate remotely, subject to their chief judge’s approval. If adopted, a related amendment of MCR 2.407 would strike a reference to AO 2012-7 being suspended and that administrative order would be rescinded.
Issued: 3/12/25
Comment Period Expires: 7/1/25
Statement from Chief Justice-elect Megan K. Cavanagh
At the Bar
Sign up now for the Tips & Tools Webinar hosted by the State Bar of Michigan on April 8
The next Tips & Tools Webinar hosted by the State Bar of Michigan will take place April 8.
Register Now for the 2025 Great Lakes Legal Conference
Now is your chance to attend the Great Lakes Legal Conference, the State Bar of Michigan’s premier continuing education and leadership development event.
Nominating Petitions Due April 30 for 2025 SBM Election
Nominating petitions for the 2025State Bar of Michigan election are now available.
State Bar of Michigan Weighs in on Potential Amendments to Canon 3 of Code of Judicial Conduct
The Michigan Supreme Court is considering an amendment of Canon 3 of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct designed to empower judges to help litigants be fairly heard.
On Balance Podcast Looks Ahead to ABA TECHSHOW
The annual ABA TECHSHOW is right around the corner.
State Bar of Michigan to host annual Brunch for Bars
The State Bar of Michigan will host its annual Brunch for Bars at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 27, 2025, at the Godfrey Hotel.
Links of Interest
SBM Public Policy Resource Center
Public Acts
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Legislature
MCL Search Engines