March 10, 2025
Volume 23, Issue 9
In the Capitol
3/11 House Finance, 10:30 a.m. MORE
Agenda Items of Interest:
HB 4098 (Outman) Property tax: tax tribunal; methods for tax tribunal to hold hearings; expand to include electronically.
SBM Position on HB 4098: Support.
HB 4099 (Frisbie) Civil rights: open meetings; electronic hearings of the tax tribunal; permit under the open meetings act.
SBM Position on HB 4099: Support.
3/11 House Human Services, 12:00 p.m. MORE
Presentations on state Juvenile Justice Services.
3/11 Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on LARA/DIFS, 1:30 p.m. MORE
Agenda Item of Interest:
A presentation from the Michigan Indigent Defense Commission;
A presentation from the University of Michigan Juvenile Justice Clinic.
3/12 House Judiciary, 10:30 a.m. MORE
HB 4070 (Lightner) Courts: other; Michigan indigent defense commission act; expand duties to include indigent defense of youth.
SBM Position on HB 4070: Support.
Presentations from:
- Michigan Indigent Defense Commission
- State Appellate Defender Office and Criminal Defense Resource Center.
3/13 House Appropriations: Licensing & Regulatory Affairs and Insurance & Financial Services, 9:00 a.m. MORE
Agenda Item of Interest:
Presentation by the House Fiscal Agency on the FY 2024-25 Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Budget.
3/13 Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Corrections & Judiciary, 1:30 p.m. MORE
Presentation of the Governor's FY 2025-26 Department of Corrections Budget.
Complete Committee Meeting List
Legislative Action Last Week:
Summary of legislative action on all bills that the State Bar or sections of the State Bar have taken positions.
HB 4018 (Probate Code Of 1939, Transportation Of Juvenile Who Commits A Crime With An Adult) was reported out of the House Committee on Judiciary without amendment on March 5.
Children’s Law Section Position on HB 4018: Oppose.
HB 4021 (Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Require Pretrial Of Evictions, And Allow Trial And Pretrial To Be Conducted By Magistrate) was reported out of the House Committee on Judiciary as Substitute H-1 on March 5.
SBM Position on HB 4021: Support.
SB 24 (Juvenile Diversion Act, Certain Information Sharing For Research Purposes In Juvenile Justice Cases) passed the Senate 29 to 6 on March 5. It has been referred to the House Committee on Government Operations.
SBM Position on SB 24: Support.
Children’s Law Section Position on SB 24: Support with Recommended Amendments.
SB 81 (Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Act, Expand Duties To Include Indigent Defense Of Youth) was reported out of the Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary & Public Safety without amendment on March 5.
SBM Position on SB 81: Support.
SB 82 (A Bill To Protect The Safety Of Judges And Certain Other Individuals) was reported out of the Senate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary & Public Safety as Substitute S-1 on March 6.
SBM Position on SB 82: Support.
Family Law Section Position on SB 82: Support.
Legislation Introduced 3/4-3/6
Recently, bills were introduced in the following areas of law:
In the Hall of Justice
ADM File No. 2023-35: Proposed Amendments of MCJC 3 and MRPC 6.5
The proposed amendments of MCJC 3 and MRPC 6.5 would incorporate the ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 2, Rule 2.3 into Michigan’s code and rule to prohibit bias, prejudice, and harassment.
Issued: 3/6/25
Comment period expires: 7/1/25
ADM File No. 2025-01: Appointments to the Court Reporting and Recording Board of Review
Issued: 3/6/25
Effective: 4/1/25
ADM File No. 2025-01: Assignment of Business Court Judges
Issued: 3/6/25
Effective: 4/1/25
Supreme Court Releases March Oral Argument Schedule
At the Bar
New Virtual Support Group for Attorneys to Start in April
The SBM’s Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program is offering a free virtual support group for attorneys to help each other work through stress and more.
On Balance Podcast Looks Ahead to ABA TECHSHOW
The annual ABA TECHSHOW is right around the corner.
State Bar of Michigan to host annual Brunch for Bars
The State Bar of Michigan will host its annual Brunch for Bars at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 27, 2025, at the Godfrey Hotel.
Links of Interest
SBM Public Policy Resource Center
Public Acts
Michigan Supreme Court
Michigan Legislature
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