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Submit an Amicus Curiae Request

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Name of the case
List the attorneys of record in this case
What is the name of the entity or individual that is requesting SBM amicus participation?
What is the procedural posture?
What is the date by which amicus curiae motion must be filed?
Give a brief description of facts of the case.
Give a brief description of issue(s) concerning which amicus support is sought.
The State Bar may participate as an amicus curia in this case because the issue concerns: (check all that apply):
State the reason why this issue is of particular significance to members of the State Bar of Michigan.
Offer reason(s) why the outcome of this case is likely to have an important impact on the law concerning this issue.
Give a brief description of the argument proponent wishes SBM to make in an amicus submission.
List the names of other groups, including State Bar entities, with whom proponent has consulted on the question of amicus involvement, and their responses.

By clicking on submit below, you are authorizing the State Bar of Michigan to use the information you submit online or in print. The State Bar will determine, in its sole discretion, whether or not to persue your request. State Bar staff may contact you for further information, but your contact information will not be shared for any other purpose without your permission.

  • *What is the result for 7 plus 1 ?