After deciding that document automation will become part of your workflow, the next step is thinking through how you might go about implementing this powerful technology. You can jump to these topics clicking the boxes below.
ABA Law Practice Solutions: The Lean Law Firm Run Your Firm Like The World's Most Efficient and Profitable Businesses
ABA Law Practice Today: Thinking Lean: Five Steps to a More Efficient Legal Practice
The Lean Law Firm Close-Up: Eliminating Waste and Bottlenecks Larry Port
Access to Justice Through LEAN Law Mechelle Woznicki
Office Suite
Practice Management Software
Manage case-related workflows, documentation, calendars, contacts, client communication, document automation and billing.
Phone systems - Voice over IP (VoIP)
All the power of a phone system managed on your computer or smartphone.
Administrative Software
Project Management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
Track and automate outreach to prospective clients
Document Automation