Licensed Michigan attorneys should use vLex Fastcase to search Michigan Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions as it offers more opinions and greater searching ability than the e-Journal opinion collection.
The State Bar of Michigan has partnered with vLex Fastcase to bring premium state and federal research materials to its membership. This service provides case law, constitution, and statutes for all 50 states, including the District of Columbia. In addition the service provides Michigan primary law, administrative code, state court rules, federal court rules, attorney general opinions, and the model civil jury instructions.
Members also have access to several advanced legal research tools, including a case citation tool that simultaneously runs a search for secondary and/or third part treatises and publications, and a tool capable of searching all customized books within any state and/or federal library in a single query. To access this member benefit simply log in to your Member Area and select the vLex Fastcase tab on the right. There are several helpful user guides published within the Fastcase system. In addition, you can click on Live Training at the top of the page to sign-up for vLex Fastcase webinars training.