Michigan Bar Journal articles published after 1999 are available below. Complete issues of the Bar Journal dating back to 1921 are available through HeinOnline, which all Michigan attorneys can access through e.michbar.org by logging in and clicking “Bar Journal Search” at the bottom. 

Current Bar Journal Issue

February 2025, Volume 104, No. 2

Archived Issues

December 2021, Volume 100, No. 11
Administrative Law
November 2021, Volume 100, No. 10
Access To Justice
October 2021, Volume 100, No. 9
September 2021, Volume 100, No. 8
Intellectual Property Law
July 2021, Volume 100, No. 7
Aviation Law
June 2021, Volume 100, No. 6
Marijuana Law
May 2021, Volume 100, No. 5
Military and Veterans' Law
April 2021, Volume 100, No. 4
Religious Liberty Law
March 2021, Volume 100, No. 3
February 2021, Volume 100, No. 2
Education Law
January 2021, Volume 100, No. 1
Workers' Compensation Law