Elder Law & Disability Rights Section of the State Bar of Michigan
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Event Name: ELDRS Annual Spring Conference
Friday, March 20, 2020
The Inn at St. John's, Plymouth

The Elder Law and Disability Rights Section values the health and safety of our members, presenters, guests, and vendors. Amidst growing concerns about COVID-19, the Section has made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the 2020 ELDRS Annual Spring Conference. There will be no activities on March 20 related to this conference.

Please note that if you made room reservations, it will be necessary for you to contact the hotel directly to cancel your reservation.


To receive a refund of your event fee, please request a refund no later than April 15, 2020. Please note the following regarding refunds:

  • Refunds will be issued in the same form payment was made.
  • If you paid by check, your refund will be issued by check. No refund request is necessary.
  • If you paid with a credit card, the refund will go to the same credit card used for registration. If you do not remember which credit card (Visa or Mastercard) you used, please check your confirmation which will show the last four digits of your card.
  • For security purposes, we do not retain the full credit card number on file.
  • If you paid by credit card, please complete the refund request form PDF and mail it to the address on the form.
  • Please allow up to 30 days for a refund.

Please consider not asking for a refund, but instead allowing the Section to keep the revenue and apply it toward future programs. Foregoing a refund will not impact your personal registration costs for future events, but it will help the Section reduce overall costs. Thank you for considering this option, and please email Chair Kelly Quardokus at kelly@qelderlaw.com and cc Treasurer Angela Hentkowski at ahentkowski@stewardsheridan.com.

ELDRS Council is currently exploring alternative methods for sharing the Spring Conference programming and will provide information on that when it is available.

Many thanks to:

Conference Organizer Harley Manela for his efforts which were above and beyond in putting the spring conference together and then having to dismantle it on such short notice.

And the 2020 ELDRS Council Members who discussed this at their March 7 Council meeting and acted expeditiously to work out a solution.

Best wishes for you, your families, co-workers, and all our vulnerable clients to stay safe and healthy.

Kelly J. M. Quardokus
2019–2020 ELDRS Chair
(269) 343-2272