Criminal Law Section Public Policy Positions

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Criminal Law

  • 2023-2024 Legislative Session

    HB4173 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Criminal Justice Policy Commission
    HB4421 William Van Regenmorter Crime Victim's Rights Act, Certain Public Video Recordings Of Court Proceedings
    HB4427 Freedom Of Information Act, Provide Limited Access To Public Records For Incarcerated Individual
    HB4746 Mental Health Code, Outpatient Treatment For Misdemeanor Offenders With Mental Health Issues
    HB5689 Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Eliminate Local Jury Boards, And Create A Centralized Jury Process
    HB5690 The Uniform Condemnation Procedures Act
    HB5691 Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Prospective Jurors With Certain Criminal Records And Protected Statuses
    HB5692 A Bill To Make, Supplement, And Adjust Appropriations For The Judiciary For The Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2024
    HB5693 Probate Code Of 1939, Reference To Juries
    SB0134 Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Specialty Court Authorization To Issue A Restricted License Requiring An Ignition Interlock Device
    SB0135 Michigan Vehicle Code, Issuance Of A Restricted License Requiring The Installation Of Ignition Interlock Device And Specialty Court Admission
    SB0257 Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Video Recordings Of Court Proceedings
    SB0321 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Resentencing Upon Petition Of Certain Prisoners
    SB0322 Corrections Code of 1953, Amend To Reflect Requirement For Department Of Corrections To Provide Certain Notification To Prisoners
    SB0323 Crime Victim’s Rights Act, Amend To Reference Rights Of Crime Victims In Certain Prisoner Resentencing
    SB0324 Public Health Code, Penalties For Certain Crimes Of Imprisonment For Life Without Parole Eligibility
    SB0325 The Michigan Penal Code, Penalties For Certain Crimes Of Imprisonment For Life Without Parole Eligibility
    SB0514 Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Fees For Transcripts
    SB0813 Revised Judicature Act Of 1961, Consideration Of Videorecorded Statements In Certain Proceedings
    SB0914 The Code Of Criminal Procedure, Certain Requirements For The Use Of Informants In Criminal Proceedings
    SB0916 Mental Health Code, Outpatient Treatment For Misdemeanor Offenders With Mental Health Issues
  • 2021-2022 Legislative Session

    HB4174 A Bill to Create the Justice Data Collection & Reporting System
    HB5098 Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Act - Post Online Revenue
    HB5340 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Family Treatment Court
    HB5368 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Date of Birth
    HB5437 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Criteria Before Imposing Pretrial Detention
    HB5438 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Time Period Required for Disposition of Charges
    HB5439 An Act to Provide for the Release of Misdemeanor Prisoners
    HB5440 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Requirements for the Use of Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool
    HB5441 An Act to Provide for Bail of Persons Arrested for Traffic Offenses
    HB5442 Michigan Vehicle Code, Conditions of Pretrial Release
    HB5443 The Michigan Penal Code, Setting of Bond Related to Spousal/Child Support Arrearage
    HB5482 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Eligibility to Drug Treatment Courts
    HB5483 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Eligibility for Mental Health Courts
    HB5484 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Termination Procedure for Drug Treatment Courts
    HJRL Prohibit the Imposition of Money Bail
    SB0159 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Repeal of One Man Grand Jury
    SB1015 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Hearsay Testimony
    SB1027 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Prison Diversion Program
  • 2019-2020 Legislative Session

    HB4031 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Supervision Fees
    HB4032 Corrections Code of 1953, Supervision Fees
    HB5027 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Jury Selection for Circuit Court
    HB5488 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Certain Permissible Costs
    SB0076 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Exemption From Jury Duty
    SB0276 A Bill to Create Forensic Science Commission
    SB0277 The Forensic Science Commission Act
    SB0724 Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Act
    SB0791 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Requirements for a Speedy Trial
  • 2017-2018 Legislative Session

    HB4010 Michigan Vehicle Code, Notification to LEIN of Expired, Terminated, or Canceled Automobile Insurance
    HB4065 Corrections Code of 1953, Modify Prohibition Against the Department of Corrections Hiring a Formerly Convicted Felon
    HB4209 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Juror Compensation
    HB4210 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Juror Compensation
    HB4433 Probate Code of 1939, Automatic Record Expungement of Nonviolent Juvenile Offenses
    HB4612 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Certain Permissible Costs
    HB4613 A Bill to Create the Trial Court Funding Commission
    HB5407 William Van Regenmorter Crime Victim's Rights Act
    HB5645 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Support Dog When Witness Testifies
    HB5658 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Admissibility of Prior Acts of Sexual Assault
    HB5806 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Juvenile Mental Health Courts
    HB5807 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, References to Juveniles in Mental Health Court
    HB5808 Probate Code of 1939, Reference to Chapter of Revised Judicature Act
    HB5820 Mental Health Code, Procedure for Involuntary Mental Health Treatment
    HB5922 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Eligibility for Mental Health Court Participants
    SB0435 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Certification of Drug Treatment Courts by SCAO
    SB0436 Michigan Vehicle Code, Certification of DWI/Sobriety Court by SCAO
    SB0437 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Certification of Mental Health Courts by SCAO
    SB0438 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Certification of Veterans Courts by SCAO
    SB0871 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Statute of Limitations
    SB0874 Child Protection Law, Failure to Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
    SB0951 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Jurisdiction for Prosecution for Delivery of Controlled Substance
    SB0952 The Michigan Penal Code, Prosecution of Delivery of a Controlled Substance
  • 2015-2016 Legislative Session

    HB4069 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Eligibility Criteria for Youthful Trainee Program
    HB4135 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Revocation of Trainee Status
    HB4169 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Holmes Youthful Trainee Act
    HB4178 An Act to Create and Maintain a Fingerprint Identification and Criminal History Records
    HB4321 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Warrant Requirement to Search a Premise
    HB4419 The Michigan Penal Code, 2-Year Mandatory Sentencing Requirement for Felony Firearm Conviction
    HB4467 Corrections Code of 1953, Use of Certain Privately Owned Correctional Facility
    HB4479 The Michigan Penal Code, Assault of a Pregnant Woman
    HB4499 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Evidentiary Standard to Establish and Abate a Public Nuisance
    HB4500 Identity Theft Protection Act
    HB4503 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Reports of Disposition of Certain Forfeited Property
    HB4504 Uniform Forfeiture Property Act
    HB4505 Public Health Code, Evidentiary Standard for Certain Drug Forfeitures
    HB4506 Public Health Code, Forfeited Property
    HB4507 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Seizure and Forfeiture of Property
    HB4947 Probate Code of 1939, Age of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction and Location of Juvenile Detention
    HB4948 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Juveniles Prosecuted in the Same Manner as Adults
    HB4949 Juvenile Diversion Act, Age of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction
    HB4950 Youth Rehabilitation Services Act, Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction
    HB4951 Mental Health Code, Age of Juvenile in Disposition of Persons Found Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
    HB4952 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Juveniles Prosecuted in the Same Manner as Adults
    HB4953 Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Act, Definition of Adult
    HB4954 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Juveniles Prosecuted in the Same Manner as Adults
    HB4955 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Juveniles Prosecuted in the Same Manner as Adults
    HB4956 Probate Code of 1939, Factors to Consider When Determing Jurisdiction Over Juveniles
    HB4960 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Certain Offenses That Do Not Require Adult Sentencing
    HB4961 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Juvenile Violation Definition
    HB4962 Probate Code of 1939, Juvenile Violation Definition
    HB4963 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Juveniles Under Jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections
    HB4965 Corrections Code of 1953, Family Advisory Board
    HB4973 Child Abuse Offenders Registry
    HB4974 Require Persons Convicted of Child Abuse Offenses to Register
    HB4975 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Guidelines for Child Abuse Offenders Registration Act
    HB5273 Corrections Code of 1953, Veto Power for Successor Judges
    SB0151 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Filing Deadline for Petition Seeking Review of DNA Evidence
    SB0191 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Recovery of Certain Costs
  • 2013-2014 Legislative Session

    HB5216 Corrections Code of 1953, Certificate of Employability
    HB5218 An Act to Encourage and Contribute to the Rehabilitation of Former Offenders and to Assist Them in the Assumption of the Responsibilities of Citizenship
    HB5270 Child Protection Law, Electronic Video Recording of Child Interrogations
    HB5383 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Expert Witness Testimony Concerning Chemical Testing
    HB5545 Criminal Record Expunction for Certain Offenses
    SB0841 The Michigan Penal Code, Penalties for Certain Violations Involving Food Assistance
    SB0842 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Guidelines for Crime of Food Stamp Fraud
    SB0843 The Social Welfare Act, Department of Human Services Agents with Limited Arrest Powers
    SB0844 The Michigan Penal Code, Exemption from Certain Weapons Prohibitions
    HB4090 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Juror Compensation
    HB4091 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Jurors
    HB5018 Seeting Aside the Conviction in Certain Criminal Cases
    HB5019 Probate Code of 1939, Revew of Set-Aside Application
    HB5020 Michigan Vehicle Code, DWI/Sobriety Court Interlock Pilot Project
    HB5021 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, DWI/Sobriety Court Interlock Pilot Project
    HB5055 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Execution of Bench Warrants
    HB5078 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
    HB5127 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Assessment Fee for Conviction of a Misdemeanor or Felony
    HB5155 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Probable Cause Conferences
    HB5190 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Habitual Offenders
    HJRV Recognition of Marriage
    SB0318 Corrections Code of 1953, Parole of Certain Juvenile Offenders
    SB0319 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Parole of Certain Juvenile Offenders
    SB0633 Michigan Vehicle Code
    SB0652 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Court of Claims
    SB0661 Michigan Campaign Finance Act
    SB0743 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Voluntary Membership in State Bar
  • 2011-2012 Legislative Session

    HB4106 Criminal Record Expunction
    HB4164 Community Service in Lieu of Driver Responsibility Fees
    HB4472 Legal Counsel Appointment for Prisoner Parole
    HB5050 The Michigan Penal Code, Providing False Information
    HB5191 Revised Judicature Act of 1961, Magistrates as Licensed Attorneys
    HB5214 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Youthful Trainee Program
    SB0152 Custodial Interrogation Sessions
    SB0188 Sex Offender Registration
    SB0189 Sex Offender Registration
    SB0206 Sex Offender Registration
    SB0246 Juvenile Competency Standards
    SB0247 Juvenile Competency and Culpability
    SB0880 The Code of Criminal Procedure, Youthful Trainee Program
  • 2009-2010 Legislative Session

    HB6389 Presentence Reports
    HB6390 Presentence Reports
    HB4621 Testimony of a Vulnerable Adult
    HB5273 Sobriety Court Interlock Project
    HB5274 License Sanctions for Drunk Driving
    HB5318 Penalties, Fines, or Costs
    HB5382 Fines, Costs, Restitution, Assessments, and Fees
    HB5661 Crime Victims Assessments
    SB0473 2-Way Interactive Video Technology
    SB0474 Mandatory Conditions for Parole
  • 2007-2008 Legislative Session

    HB6593 Prelim exam reform
    HB4755 Expansion of Juror Pools
    HB4859 Expansion of Juror Pools
    HB4931 Expansion of Juror Pools
    HB4932 Expansion of Juror Pools
    HB4933 Expansion of Juror Pools
    HB4934 Expansion of Juror Pools
    SB0199 Mental Health Jail Diversion
    SB0200 Mental Health Jail Diversion
  • 2005-2006 Legislative Session

    HB4327 Provides Record Expungement for Certain Offenders
    HB4796 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    HB4797 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    HB4799 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    HB4800 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    SB0263 Exempts Certain Statements of Domestic Violence Victims From Hearsay Rule
    SB0542 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    SB0543 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    SB0544 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes
    SB0545 Eliminates Right to Preliminary Exam for Certain Crimes