Expanded Member Directory Profile

SBM has partnered with the online legal marketplace zeekbeek.com to build a full-featured membership directory that makes it easy for members to share information with the public and peers. Not only will consumers be able to easily find, learn about, and contact attorneys online, they can also request to schedule a consultation directly through a new opt-in calendaring system designed especially for lawyers by lawyers.

The website provides:

  • Accurate profiles with information provided by you. No scraped data from other sources.
  • Transparent results based on practice area, location, and relevance. No paid placement.
  • Optional & trustworthy reviews from verified clients. No artificial rating system.

Help Desk

If you need assistance, reach out to the Help Desk online or at (844) 899-9335.

Update Your Profile


  • Upload your photo
  • Identify your practice areas
  • Customize your biography
  • Describe your education
  • Link to your website & social media
  • Add links to videos, articles, blogs, & websites

Enable Contact from Consumers

The simplest and most credible way for consumers to find you.

When allowing contact from consumers, there are conflict check warnings: "Please do not send confidential or sensitive information. Zeekbeek reminds you that no website, including this one, can guarantee that the information you submit will be privileged or stay confidential. Also, know that no attorney-client relationship is created by your e-mail. The lawyer you are e-mailing is not your lawyer until he or she formally agrees to be your lawyer and can refuse to represent you for any reason." Additionally, consumers are limited in the amount of information they can send to minimize the potential of attorneys receiving confidential information from prospective clients that may create ethics obligations under MRPC 1.6 and/or conflicts with existing or former clients.

Mark "Accepting New Clients"


MI Appointment Scheduler

SBM members can now easily and conveniently connect with potential clients online. Consumers are now able to request to schedule a consultation directly through a new opt-in calendaring system designed especially for lawyers by lawyers. The new appointment scheduler tool is a first for our State Bar of Michigan directory and is easy to set up and manage. Consumers can sort the listing of attorneys to show only those who are accepting appointments online and their availability. Choices include appointments available within the next four hours, tomorrow, and selected future dates. Once a potential client requests an appointment, a message will be sent to the attorney with the choice to accept, reject, or reschedule the appointment. Consumers can schedule appointments directly from an attorney profile page. To fully take advantage of this tool,opt in to the new appointment scheduler.

Lawyer2Lawyer Listing

The Lawyer2Lawyer Professional Referral Directory is a streamlined, visible online network that allows referring lawyers to conduct targeted searches for attorneys who concentrate their practice in niche practice areas.

Every member is invited to take advantage of a limited time offer to receive up to five FREE premium niche practice listings for three months. Let your colleagues know about your availability for referral, freelance, or co-counsel work by listing your niche practice areas in the Lawyer2Lawyer Professional Referral Directory. Our Michigan listings form the basis of a national lawyer-to-lawyer referral directory and the State Bars of Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana will be joining soon!

Signing up for your free trial is easy. Visit the product description page and log in using your SBM user name and password. Select the "Buy Now" button. Choose up to FIVE free 90-day niche practice listings with premium ads. Reach out to the Help Desk if you would like free assistance with building your listing. And while logged in, be sure to update your profile information and add a photo!

Step-by-Step Guides

How to Log in & Edit Your Profile
Zeekbeek For Lawyers Page—learn about all the new directory features
Setting Up Your ZB Appointment Scheduler