2015 Law Day Contest Entries
First Place: Scott Lehmann & Gage Mosher—Magna Carta Now
Our project was a website on the Magna Carta, and the lasting impact it had on not only American politics but politics around the world. Also the huge impact on how many modern governments are set up which is by the rule of law. We explained how the Magna Carta is still a very prevalent document in modern government including government in Michigan. We hope you enjoy our website and find it informative and fascinating as well.
If we had the honor of winning such an astounding contest we would use the winnings to promote public awareness of Law Day. We would do this by touring the local community especially elementary schools presenting our project and explaining the importance of the Magna Carta. That it truly is a symbol of freedom under law.
Magna Carta Now Website
Second Place: Taylor Pine—Poletown and Eminent Domain
Third Place: Audrey Kopec & Anastasia Ibanez—The Magna Carta: Past & Present
Third Place: Rebekah Galindo