Ass'n of Black Judges of MI: Removing the Mystery from the Judicial Appointment Process
Monday, November 14, 2016
06:00 PM
Location: St. Regis Hotel, Detroit
The Association of Black Judges of Michigan has invited our membership to attend a panel forum on *Monday, November 14, 2016* at the St. Regis Hotel, 3071 W. Grand Blvd, Detroit, at 6:00p.m. The panel forum will be on: Removing the Mystery from the Judicial Appointment Process for Judges and Attorneys: How to seek and obtain the Application, the References, the
Interview and ‘the Call’ of congratulations from Lansing. This is one of several new projects in which the ABJM, proudly, takes the lead in providing education to the legal community. This forum is designed for all sitting judges interested in an appointment to another bench, and all active attorney members of Wolverine Bar Association and the D. Augustus Straker Bar Association who aspire towards the bench. This forum will be a moderated discussion by noted judges from the district, circuit, court of appeals and federal courts who have sought and
obtained appointments to the bench. These esteemed judges will publicly share their insight, knowledge, experiences and suggestions regarding the appointment process in Michigan. If you have ever wondered how to gather information for the 30-plus page application, how to obtain the proper judicial references, how to make the best impression at the appointment interview-and more, join us for this event. Of course, no discussion about the judicial appointment process is complete without exploring the pros and cons of applying for this non-partisan position in Michigan’s highly charged political climate. This forum will be open to all 2016-2017 dues paid members. Topics to include Pipeline Programming; Remember- it takes a Village!; Big Brothers Big Sisters- AIM Program. We have had a number of attorneys to sign up for the new AIM (Advocating, Inspiring, and Mentoring) collaboration with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Detroit- but we are still in need of mentors! It’s not too late! The focus of the program is aimed at engaging high school youth with adult mentors in educational and fun activities that explore various themes of career development. Students from Osborn High School will be matched with mentors and meet monthly at Lewis & Munday PC for one hour. Please follow the link below and click “Volunteer” to sign up by *this Thursday, November 3rd! .
Added By: jwilliams