(POSTPONED) Wolverine Bar Ass'n: Mighty Young Men Mentoring

Saturday, March 21, 2020
11:00 AM
Location: Lewis & Munday PC, Detroit

The Wolverine Bar’s latest pipeline initiative, Mighty Young Men, is back for a second year!

WBA continues to partner with SDM2 Project Education. The mission of SDM2 Project Education is to promote, support, and build confidence of our youth toward a successful school year. Through utilizing outdoor recreational activities in a safe, clean, and inviting environment, SDM2 cultivates educational development in the community.

From the community garden to the vast park/campground to the computer lab and tutoring center, SDM2’s work is groundbreaking. The continued partnership between WBA and SDM2 has the potential to make a tremendous impact in the lives of our young people for years to come.  A recap video was created highlighting the marquee tailgate event last year and included a special message about how WBA would support SDM2's "20 Minute Reading Challenge" (Check it out!).



Now, all we need is YOU!  With the project underway, it is critical that we have OUR brothers step up to answer the call and serve.  Whether lawyer or law student, each of us can reflect on our lives and know we are standing on the shoulders of those that have come before us.  The partnership consists of monthly sessions, where attending "mentors" will participate in targeted sessions with the young men.  There are two asks noted below: (1) monthly sessions (flyer attached) and (2) mentor/mentee basketball game:

Remaining Monthly Sessions (Saturdays 11 a.m.-2 p.m.)

  • February 15
  • March 21
  • April 18
  • May 16
  • June 20
  • July 18

March Mentor/Mentee Basketball Game (March 21)

Still got game on the hardwood?  Ready to showcase your "grown man moves" on the court? Then join us for the March 21st Session!  This month will be unique as SDM2 puts a spin on the normal networking event by allowing WBA men to connect with the high school young men via a friendly game of basketball.  Following the game, there will be refreshments and an opportunity to speak into the boys' lives.  Bring your A game!  (Seriously, whether you are good at basketball or not, our presence is the true contribution).
Can you join us? SDM2 and these young brothers are depending on our time and presence (particularly for March!).  Please email Jerome Crawford of the Pipeline Committee at jcrawf@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in this year’s program.  Even if you can only commit to one of the monthly sessions, or you are not yet certain of your availability, please email Jerome to be included in this year's list of mentors.  Your service is invaluable.  

Thank you in advance and let’s continue to lift as we climb!

  • As an Army of Advocates for social justice, human rights, and economic inclusion
  • To expand business opportunities for minority lawyers and law firms
  • To promote the hiring and advancement of minority lawyers 
  • To increase minority judges and law clerks 
  • To deliver relevant seminars and programs to members to enhance their skills and networks and, as a result, their careers and impact

Added By: jwilliams