Incorporated Society of Irish American Lawyers: St. Patrick's Day Parade Brunch

Sunday, March 15, 2020
10:00 AM
Location: Mario's Restaurant, Detroit



Sunday, March 15, 2020
10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (doors open at 9:45 a.m.)
Mario’s Restaurant
4222 Second Avenue, Detroit, Michigan  48201

Mario’s is set to provide us with a top-notch brunch menu – complete with drink specials.  The event will feature Irish music presented by our very own Cahill & Murphy, as well as snappy commentary from our Co-MCs. Our MCs this year will be Michigan Court of Appeals Justice and former ISIAL President Mike Riordan, and 35th District Court Judge Michael Gerou.

A must-see to this year’s entertainment program will be appearances from the Queen of the Detroit United Irish Societies f/k/a Maid of Erin Court, and the parade Grand Marshal Peggy Gray.  Also expected to attend will be plenty of lawyers, judges, elected leaders, and dignitaries from the Detroit Irish-American community.  We will also feature our annual raffle for the ISIAL scholarship fund.

Space is extremely limited.  Tickets must be purchased in advance by Friday, March 13, 2020  –  and are specially priced at $35 for ISIAL members; $40 for non-members; $15 for children (under 12); $25 for law students.   Adult brunches will be $45 at the door without advance reservation.  [Reservations are held at the door, no tickets are issued.]   

Purchase tickets via our Upcoming Events Page to pay by PayPal or download the Reservation Form and mail your completed Form and check to:  ISIAL, Attn: President, c/o 38777 Six Mile Road, Suite 300, Livonia, MI 48152. 

**Advertising and sponsorship opportunities** 
For only $25 you/your company can be listed as a contributor in our Parade Book!  
Other ad/message options include: 1/4 page message/ad ($50) – 1/2 page message/ad ($100) – full page message/ad ($200).  Messages/ads can be paid by check to our address above.  Your message/ad should be emailed to (Word preferred).  Ads must be placed by March 11, 2020.

Shuttle service from Mario’s to/from the parade is available (for a small fee). There will be a $4.00 charge for parking at a lot across the street from Mario's, a suggested contribution of $2.00 per person each way for the shuttle ride to and from the parade.  Shuttle to the Gaelic League and parade staging area leaves Mario's at around 11:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.  A shuttle bus will be located behind Gaelic League during the parade, with the last shuttle back to Mario's at around 5 p.m. (or otherwise by reservation).  A shuttle from the Gaelic League parking lot to Mario's is also available by reservation only starting at 9:30 a.m.  For shuttle reservations, contact Tony Drake at (313) 680-8014.  Please listen for further announcement at the Brunch.

** If you would like to march in the parade with ISIAL, please contact Judge Michael Gerou at or via text at (734) 658-2003 (no voice mail please).**

If you have additional questions, please contact Brunch Chairperson, Gary Bresnehan at (313) 605-6266
or by email: 

The parade will start at 12:30pm this year.

We look forward to seeing you at Mario’s on Parade Day!



NAME(S) FOR RESERVATION:_________________________________________________________________________

1.        Please reserve ______ ISIAL member tickets at $35.00 each.
2.        Please reserve ______ non-member guest tickets at $40.00 each.
3.        Please reserve ______ law student ISIAL member tickets at $25.00 each.
4.        Please reserve ______ children under 12 tickets at $15.00 each

5.         I would like to contribute to the Brunch effort this year by purchasing space for my message/
            advertisement in the program.  ___ I have enclosed a check for:   
           ___$25.00 to be listed as contributor: name:___________________
           ___ $50.00 for a ¼ page message or ad (attach ad/message);
           ___$100.00 for a ½ page message or ad (attach ad/message);
           ___$200.00 for a full page message or ad (attach ad/message). 

Attach the text of your message/ad to this Form and email same to (Word preferred).

6.    Total value of Lines 1 – 5: $_______.00 

7.    Please send a check payable to ISIAL to be received on or before Wednesday, March 11, 2020 to:  
       ISIAL, c/o  President, 38777 Six Mile Road, Suite 300, Livonia, MI 48152




Added By: jwilliams