Women Lawyers Ass'n of MI--Oakland Region: Portrait of Judge Langford Morris

Friday, March 08, 2019
05:00 PM
Location: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law

Fundraiser: Portrait of Judge Langford Morris

University of Detroit School of Law's Law Review, Black Law Students Association, and Women's Law Caucus - Detroit Mercy Law are raising funds to hang the first portrait of a woman graduate in the halls of the law school. The portrait will be of Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Denise Langford Morris ('82), a longtime WBA member and WLAM Director. The portrait will be unveiled during the law review symposium on Women in Law on March 8--International Women's Day.

To support this cause, click here.

For information on International Womens Day and the Law Review Symposium, click here.

Added By: jwilliams