Federal Bar Ass'n—Eastern District of MI: False Claims Act Today

Wednesday, May 02, 2018
11:30 AM
Location: Detroit Room, Theodore Levin Courthouse, Detroit

FBA Seminar, "The False Claims Act Today," Levin Courthouse, Detroit Room. The Federal Bar Association Qui Tam Section in conjunction with the FBA Eastern District of
Michigan Chapter is hosting a CLE providing a general overview of the FCA, a discussion of relevant Supreme Court cases, practice tips, recent developments in the Sixth
Circuit, and a panel discussion to provide various perspectives on FCA practice.

Panelists include AUSA Peter Kaplan; Abraham Singer of The Law Offices of Abraham Singer PLLC; R.Scott Oswald of The Employment Law Group, P.C.; Hon. David M. Lawson;
David Haron of Haron Law Group, P.L.C.; and Jacqueline A. Kelly of Sullivan, Ward, Asher & Patton, P.C. Cost:  FBA Members--$15; Non-FBA Members and Gov't Employees--$20; Judicial Law Clerks/Law Students--$10. Register online at www.fedbar.org.

Added By: jwilliams