Ingham County Bar Ass'n: Happy Hour Deliberations

Thursday, May 17, 2018
05:00 PM
Location: Zoobie's/Cosmos (Old Town), Lansing

Join ICBA Members for Deliberations - It's FREE

The Ingham County Bar Association is excited to announce that each month, members will join each other at a local happy hour for  conversation and camaraderie. These "monthly deliberations" are casual - there will be no "bar exam," so leave your name tags and suit jackets back at the office. Everything is "off the record" - if you want to come and buy yourself (or a thirsty colleague) a drink, that's terrific, but you can always just come and chat. There is no agenda or program - it's just a nice way to connect with other members of the bar at the bar.

We hope that you will "concur" that this is a great opportunity to meet your fellow bar members and join us for some fun!

All Meetings take place from: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Added By: jwilliams