eJournal celebrates 25th year with new look, additional resources
For 25 years, the eJournal has been providing summaries of Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and 6th Circuit opinions to Michigan attorneys five days a week. In celebration of this milestone achievement, the State Bar of Michigan is celebrating the newsletter’s silver anniversary with a new look and additional resources.
The summary opinions remain the eJournal’s focus, both in the daily email and in the online version. The summaries are still listed by practice area, but the email now also includes the case name, general topic area, and a link directly to the summary. Recent summaries are easier to find online with a central website at michbar.org/eJournal, where you can always find the latest eJournal.
In addition, the enhanced eJournal will feature recent news and updates in a concise, easy-to-read email sent to subscribers on weekday afternoons.
Click here to subscribe to the eJournal email.
Since its launch in June 1999, the eJournal has delivered more than 75,000 opinion summaries. With about 16,000 subscribers, the eJournal serves attorneys in all occupation areas with private practice attorneys making up the largest single reader group. The popularity of the eJournal helps the website tally more than 1 million pageviews a year – an average of more than 3,000 pageviews each and every day.
The new eJournal also offers additional advertising options, including weekly placements to make it easier for sections and members to publicize upcoming events. As part of the eJournal changes, the Michigan Bar Journal also began offering online advertising. For more information, email advertising@michbar.org.
The reimagined eJournal was developed with the assistance of volunteer Michigan attorneys who served on focus groups to help set direction for both its design and function.
Posted: June 3, 2024