
The practice (and importance) of cultivating happiness


by Molly Ranns   |   Michigan Bar Journal

Practicing Wellness

People climb mountains in search of it. Seek out relationships for it. Travel, leave jobs, start new careers, and embark on adventures to find it. The Dalai Lama said, “The very purpose of life is to seek happiness.”1

But in a profession known to have higher rates of depression than the general population,2 has happiness remained elusive for many legal professionals?

Research shows that lawyers experience unhappiness at a rate more than 3.5 times that of other professionals.3 We have come to understand that lawyer well-being is an integral part of their ethical duty of competence;4 that well-being is defined as “thriving” and includes the ability to make healthy and positive work-life choices.5 It seems pertinent, then, to explore not only what happiness is but, more importantly, how it’s cultivated to lead a more fulfilling life.

Sonya Lyubomirsky, a researcher and psychology professor, has devoted much of her career to understanding and increasing happiness.6 Through her work and the work of others, we’ve learned that about half of an individual’s happiness is determined at birth and only 10% of happiness is actually derived by personal circumstances.7 This has been explored when studying lottery winners who, just one year after their windfall, are no happier than non-winners.8

Instead of looking at it with dismay, we can use that information to take a more optimistic viewpoint. If 50% of happiness is set at birth and 10% is determined by life circumstances beyond an individual’s control, this means 40% of a person’s happiness is cultivated through intentional activity — mental and behavioral strategies that increase joy.9 Truly happy individuals tend to interpret daily events in ways that increase (or at least maintain) their level of happiness, while unhappy people tend to do the opposite.10

Though happiness can be broadly defined, psychologists and other social scientists agree that happiness is made up of both positive emotions and a sense of satisfaction.11 We can agree that what gives people satisfaction can vary widely from person to person and what makes us happy may be very different for each of us.

What fills me with positive emotions and satisfaction (and thus happiness) includes traveling with my family worldwide and taking part in activities such as sporting events, concerts, or other social engagements. It means being active and busy. What fills my sibling with happiness — someone with whom I share genetic makeup — could not be more different. He likes being a homebody, spending time with his family on several acres of land. He prefers road trips to airplanes, with his desire to travel limited to visiting a beloved family cabin in northern Michigan. Our experiences vary widely, yet we both have the same end result — what we do fills us with joy and contentment, peace and rejuvenation.

Regardless what makes people happy, there are numerous emotional, mental, and physical benefits to being so.12 They include higher incomes and greater quality of work, more satisfying relationships and longer marriages, stronger social supports and richer social interactions and connections, lower stress levels and bolstered immune systems, and even longer lives.13 With these benefits in mind and understanding the control we have and role we play in our own happiness, how might we go about cultivating it? To begin, try these intentional, science-backed activities.


Positive emotional and mental health is strongly associated with practicing gratitude, or taking the time to reflect upon the things for which you’re thankful.14 Keeping a daily gratitude journal has been linked to experiencing more positive emotions, improved sleep, increased compassion and kindness toward one’s self and others, and even a stronger immune system.15 Just one week of spending a few minutes taking a daily gratitude inventory can produce benefits that last up to six months!16 Teach yourself to focus on the positive instead of the negative and begin cultivating your own joy.


Research shows that having strong, positive relationships is a significant predictor of happiness.17 Individuals who say they feel protected against stress, are in good physical health, and lead happier and healthier lives have something in common — they all spend time cultivating strong social connections. Thriving in your dimension of social well-being means creating “a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support network while also contributing to groups and communities.”18 If you haven’t prioritized social well-being, start by taking time to form deeper connections with important people in your life or finding meaningful ways to form new friendships.


Regarding the pursuit of happiness, popular culture tends to focus on the self, but research suggests that focusing on others consistently makes people happy.19 Whether volunteering at a food bank, buying a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you, or complimenting a stranger, there is no question that increasing your positive emotions starts with simple acts of kindness toward others.


Unfortunately, research indicates that our brains are more inclined to process and remember negative information versus positive information. This tendency, known as negativity bias, is even more pronounced in lawyers when compared to the average person.20

Consider this scenario: While researching a legal brief, you discover supporting cases that point to a favorable verdict for your client, but you realize you overlooked one case that the opposition used to its advantage. In spite of your positive development, that oversight preoccupies your thoughts. Although a pessimistic outlook can occasionally benefit legal practice, an inability to adopt a positive perspective can diminish joy and affect decision-making. It’s essential to shift negative thinking towards a balanced, logical approach rather than dismissing negative aspects altogether.


Most of us would agree that happiness matters. Finding joy and satisfaction in life, experiencing positive emotions, and viewing our circumstances optimistically are things we can likely agree that we strive to achieve. Armed with the understanding that we play a large role in our own happiness — including our ability to cultivate it — we can use that knowledge for our benefit.

If your methods don’t seem to be effective or you need a bit more help getting to where you want to be, don’t forget about the resources available to you through the State Bar of Michigan Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program.

“Practicing Wellness” is a regular column of the Michigan Bar Journal presented by the State Bar of Michigan Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program. If you’d like to contribute a guest column, please email


1. The Dalai Lama,, The Purpose of Life is to Be Happy [ ] (posted September 30, 2021) (all websites accessed June 7, 2024).

2. National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being, The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change [] (posted August 14, 2017).

3. Elina Teboul, Thrive Global, Positive Psychology for Lawyers [] (posted September 25, 2019).

4. The Path to Lawyer Well-Being, supra n 2.

5. Id.

6. Sonja Lyubomirsky,, My Research [].

7. Marina Krakovsky, Scientific American, The Science of Lasting Happiness [ ZH8F] (posted April 1, 2007).

8. Id.

9. Id.

10. Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, Happiness Is ... [].

11. Kendra Miller,, What Does Happiness Really Mean? [] (posted May 20, 2024).

12. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Sonja, Benefits of Happiness.

13. Nelson et al, Do Unto Others or Treat Yourself? The Effects of Prosocial and Self- Focused Behavior on Psychological Flourishing, 16(6) Emotion 850-861 (2016). [].

14. Positive Psychology for Lawyers, supra n 3.

15. Id.

16. Id.

17. What Does Happiness Really Mean?, supra n 11.

18. The Path to Lawyer Well-Being, supra n 2.

19. Do Unto Others or Treat Yourself?, supra n 13.

20. Positive Psychology for Lawyers, supra n 3.