
Leverage the power of the SBM Practice Management Resource Center


by JoAnn L. Hathaway   |   Michigan Bar Journal

In today’s competitive legal landscape, success hinges not only on legal knowledge but also on effective practice management. Recognizing this need, the State Bar of Michigan Practice Management Resource Center offers a suite of resources and services tailored to support legal professionals in enhancing their efficiency, productivity, and overall success. From expert guidance to practical tools and training, here’s a look at how each resource can help State Bar of Michigan members and their staff.


The Practice Management Resource Center website is a treasure trove of resources designed to equip legal professionals with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive. Through a curated collection of articles, guides, templates, and checklists, lawyers can gain insights into best practices across various facets of law firm management including:

  • Financial management: Learn how to optimize billing practices, manage accounts receivable, and improve profitability.
  • Marketing and client development: Discover strategies for attracting and retaining clients, enhancing your online presence, and leveraging social media effectively.
  • Technology and workflow optimization: Explore the latest tools and technologies to streamline your workflows, enhance collaboration, and boost productivity.
  • Practice growth and sustainability: Gain insights into strategic planning, succession planning, and other key considerations for long-term success.

Additionally, the website offers resources specifically focused on technology competency, making sure legal professionals have the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively in their practices. The PMRC tech competency webpage provides access to guides, training materials, and more to help attorneys enhance their technological skills and meet the evolving demands of the legal profession.


Navigating the complexities of law practice management can be daunting, but you need not go it alone. The Practice Management Resource Center Helpline offers direct access to experienced professionals who can provide personalized guidance and support on a wide range of practice-related issues. Whether you’re seeking advice on technology selection or workflow optimization, help is available. Coupling access to the knowledge of the State Bar of Michigan ethics team with that of the practice management team allows us to ensure that legal professionals receive comprehensive and reliable guidance.


Staying current with the latest trends and developments in legal practice is essential for professional growth and success. The Practice Management Resource Center virtual seminars offer legal professionals access to high-quality educational content presented by industry experts and thought leaders. Topics include:

  • Practice management fundamentals: Learn essential skills and strategies for running a successful law firm from time management and client communication to risk management and practice growth.
  • Technology tools and trends: Explore emerging tech-nologies, software applications, and digital tools that can enhance efficiency, automate routine tasks, and improve client
  • Considerations in the digital age: Stay informed on technology, cybersecurity, and data privacy to protect client confidentiality and avoid disciplinary issues.


For legal professionals on the move, the State Bar of Michigan monthly podcast offers a convenient way to access valuable insights and practical tips to enhance their practices. Featuring interviews with industry experts, solo practitioners, and legal tech innovators, the podcast covers a wide range of topics including:

  • Successful law firm management strategies: Hear firsthand accounts of how successful practitioners have built thriving practices and overcome challenges to meet their professional goals.
  • Technology adoption and innovation: Discover how innovative technologies are reshaping the legal landscape and learn practical tips for integrating new tools and systems into your practice.
  • Career development and work-life balance: Gain inspiration and advice on achieving career satisfaction, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and navigating the unique challenges legal professionals face.


Visual learners will appreciate the State Bar of Michigan YouTube channel, which includes video content designed to inform, educate, and inspire legal professionals. From instructional tutorials to software demos to case studies, the channel covers a diverse range of topics, including videos on:

  • Using popular practice management software platforms and tools.
  • Best practices for digital marketing, client intake, and online reputation management.
  • Insights from industry experts on leadership, professional development, and growth strategies.


The Practice Management Resource Center engages with the legal community through public speaking engagements at law schools, local bar associations, and special purpose bars. These presentations provide opportunities for legal professionals to:

  • Gain valuable insights and practical advice on practice management topics relevant to their daily work.
  • Connect with industry experts, thought leaders, and fellow practitioners to share ideas, experiences, and best practices.
  • Stay informed about emerging trends, technologies, and practice management that may affect their practices and clients.


For law firms seeking personalized support, the Practice Management Resource Center offers guidance tailored to their specific needs. We work closely with firm leaders and staff to assess operations, workflows, and technology; identify opportunities for improvement; and recommend practical solutions to enhance efficiency, productivity, and profitability.


Connect with the Practice Management Resource Center by following the State Bar of Michigan on social media. This enables legal professionals to:

  • Stay informed about upcoming events and initiatives supporting professional development.
  • Engage with our team and fellow practitioners by sharing insights, asking questions, and participating in discussions on relevant topics.
  • Access curated content, resources, and tips to help optimize practices and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving legal landscape.

The State Bar of Michigan Practice Management Resource Center is committed to empowering legal professionals by providing the knowledge, tools, and support needed to succeed in today’s legal market. Through its comprehensive array of resources and services — including website resources, helpline support, webinars, podcasts, public speaking engagements, social media engagement, and Michigan Bar Journal articles — the State Bar of Michigan strives to equip practitioners with the skills, insights, and strategies they need to enhance their efficiency, productivity, and overall success. Whether you’re a solo practitioner, member of a small firm, or part of a larger organization, we invite you to take advantage of our offerings and unlock the full potential of your practice.

Law Practice Solutions is a regular column from the State Bar of Michigan Practice Management Resource Center (PMRC) featuring articles on practice, technology, and risk management for lawyers and staff. For more resources, visit the PMRC website at or call our Helpline at (800) 341-9715 to speak with a practice management advisor.