The views expressed in “Libraries & Legal Research,” as well as other expressions of opinions published in the Bar Journal from time to time, do not necessarily state or reflect the official position of the State Bar of Michigan, nor does their publication constitute an endorsement of the views expressed. They are the opinions of the authors and are intended not to end discussion, but to stimulate thought about significant issues affecting the legal profession, the making of laws, and the adjudication of disputes.
1. 2022 Long-Term Projections for Social Security, Congressional Budget Office (December 16, 2022), p 9, available at []. All websites cited in this article were accessed May 3, 2023.
2. Social Security History, Social Security Administration (SSA) [].
3. Statistical Tables, SSA [https://].
4. Search CRS Reports, Congressional Research Service [].
5. How is Social Security financed? SSA [].
6. Historical Background and Development of Social Security, SSA [].
7. Social Security: Benefit Calculation, Congressional Research Service (November 17, 2022), p 4, available at [].
8. Id. p 5.
9. PL 74-271, 49 Stat 620 (1935).
10. Contribution and Benefit Base, SSA [].
11. What is the maximum Social Security retirement benefit payable? SSA (April 20, 2023) [ KY4M-XHWJ].
12. Historical Background and Development of Social Security.
13. Id.
14. Social Security & Medicare Tax Rates, SSA [].
15. PL 98-21, 97 Stat 65 (1983).
16. Social Security: The Trust Funds, Congressional Research Service (June 29, 2022), pp 6-8, available at [].
17. Goss, The future financial status of the Social Security program 70:3 Soc Sec Bull 111, 122 (2010), available at [].
18. Id.
19. Id.
20. Id., p 124.
21. Huston, Social Security’s Funding Shortfall, In Focus, Congressional Research Service (June 22, 2022), p 2, available at [].
22. Li, Social Security Taxable Earnings Base: An Overview, In Focus, Congressional Research Service (March 27, 2023), p 2, available at [].
23. Office of the Chief Actuary’s Estimates of Individual Changes Modifying Social Security, SSA [].