Face of Justice 2021 Virtual Program – May 12, 2021

May Face of Justice Program

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Presenters & Bios

Thumbnail of Hon. Michelle Rick

Hon. Michelle Rick
Title: Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals
Current Employment: MICOA/NAWJ
Email Address

Please explain your job: I review appeals of decisions made by trial courts and the Tax Commission.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A lawyer, of course!

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Participating in debate and forensics in high school.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Work hard, have compassion, be fearless.

Thumbnail of Jessica Zimbelman

Jessica Zimbelman
Title: Managing Attorney
Current Employment: State Appellate Defender Office
Email Address

Please explain your job: I represent indigent clients on their appeals of their criminal convictions.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: President

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Empathy

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: There is no "right" or singular path to travel to go to law school. Do what feels right to you.

Thumbnail of Clara Sanchez

Clara Sanchez
Title: Layoff Supervisor
Current Employment: General Motors
Email Address


Please explain your job: Employee benefits practice

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Lawyer

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: My love for reading and analysis.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Define why do you want to become an attorney.

Thumbnail of Takura Nyamfukudza

Takura Nyamfukudza
Title: Partner and Litigator
Current Employment: Chartier & Nyamfukudza, P.L.C.
Email Address

Please explain your job: I represent people who have been accused of committing crimes in courts all over Michigan.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: At one point, I wanted to be a pilot.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Without a doubt, it was my 12 years in the United States Army.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Go to court and watch lawyers in action. Interact with lawyers. And take advantage of every opportunity that will allow you to make an informed decision about whether you should enter the legal field.

Thumbnail of Christopher Urban

Christopher Urban
Title: Associate Attorney
Current Employment: Macomb Law Group
Email Address


Please explain your job: I handle criminal defense and personal injury (plaintiff) cases. I am frequently in court on various matters. I have also completed three criminal jury trials. My work now is a split between criminal and civil.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Police Officer

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: I had a mentor at every stage of my education and career. I was able to call/email/text someone at the various stages of my life that provided me guidance, insight, and encouragement.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Explore your options. You may think you have a laser driven focus to one specific area of law. However, there are SO many options. Intern, volunteer, get a mentor. Any exposure or connections you make will come in handy at some point in your life.

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Donald Roberts
Title: Managing Attorney
Current Employment: Legal Aid of Western Michigan
Email Address


Please explain your job: I manage a law office (10 lawyers, 3 support staff) responsible for providing free legal services to the low income and elderly residence of 4 counties in southwestern Michigan.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Teacher

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Love of reading

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Persevere

Thumbnail of Melissa Goodrich

Melissa Goodrich
Title: Prosecuting Attorney
Current Employment: Cheboygan County Prosecutor's Office
Email Address

Please explain your job: Elected Prosecutor for Cheboygan County

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: A corporate attorney

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Developing skills in reading and writing

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Job shadowing is the best way to find out what area of law that fits you best.

Thumbnail of L. Alisyn Crawford

L. Alisyn Crawford
Title: State Administrative Manager
Current Employment: State of Michigan
Email Address


Please explain your job: I manage a section for auto insurance utilization review.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: An attorney or a teacher

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Hardship and struggle. I dropped out of school in 10th grade and decided to pursue college at the age of 25.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Traditional court room legal work is not the only route.

Thumbnail of Brian Boehne

Brian Boehne
Title: Principal
Current Employment: Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti & Sherbrook
Email Address


Please explain your job: I litigate cases defending insurance companies from car accident claims

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Attorney

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Reading

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Have a plan

Thumbnail of Edward M. Olson

Edward M. Olson
Title: Owner
Current Employment: Olson Law Firm
Email Address


Please explain your job: Sole practitioner. As a self-employed person, I am responsible for everything to do with my business, from advertising, customer service, through collections.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Independent and in charge of my own destiny.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: As a practical matter, if I can only choose one thing, it would be law school.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: The process of becoming a lawyer is long and expensive. Do not start down this path unless you mean to finish what you started.

Blank Thumbnail

Brian Popeney
Title: Counsel, Technology Transactions
Current Employment: General Motors
Email Address

Please explain your job: Provide legal guidance to internal client teams negotiating strategic technology and data licensing transactions, developing and commercializing GM’s extensive suite of connected products and services, and supporting direct interactions with customers across the world.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: When I was younger, I wanted to either be a lawyer or a professional soccer player.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: The one thing that best prepared me for a legal career is getting comfortable talking, negotiating, and debating in front of other people. For me, that involved taking a debate class, public speaking classes, and learning to get comfortable negotiating on the phone. Sounding and appearing confident is essential to advocating on behalf of your clients.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: If you want to be a lawyer, you can do this. Get connected with lawyers in a variety of fields and see what interests you. Lawyers are involved in so many different things - not just want you see on TV. If a career in the law is calling you, find a mentor (or two) and go for it. People are willing to help, if you ask!

Thumbnail of April Malak

April Malak
Title: Principal
Current Employment: Kitch, Drutchas, Wagner Valitutti and Sherbrook
Email Address

Please explain your job: I co-manage a team of litigation attorneys and staff that specialize in no-fault and insurance defense.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Attorney

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Working in our small family business.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: The world of litigation is small-- so be kind, work hard, and your reputation will precede you.

Thumbnail of Alisa Parker

Alisa Parker
Title: Managing Attorney
Current Employment: Legal Services of South Central Michigan
Email Address


Please explain your job: I supervise and train attorneys who handle civil legal services cases. I also handle my own cases, write grants and provide legal education.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: Astronaut

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Having an open mind and listening to other people.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: You have the tools to do whatever and become whoever you want to be.

Thumbnail of Dandridge Floyd

Dandridge Floyd
Title: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Current Employment: Oakland Schools
Email Address

Please explain your job: In my role I am responsible for leading all strategic human resource functions of Oakland Schools and providing guidance in the areas of talent acquisition, compensation, and leadership development.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: I wanted to be a sportscaster/or broadcast journalist.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: AP English classes/Future Problem Solvers afterschool programs

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: Maintain good grades; network with current lawyers, and explore many facets of the legal field.

Thumbnail of Debani Gordon Lehman

Debani Gordon Lehman
Title: Associate Attorney
Current Employment: Rosati Schultz Joppich and Amtsbuechler
Email Address


Please explain your job: I am an Associate with the firm and focus my practice on municipal law, employment law, law enforcement and civil rights. I also assist with providing general counsel services to several municipalities.I also assist these communities by researching and providing legal opinions. I am also a trained civil mediator.

When you were younger, what did you dream of being?: I went through many phases, at one point I wanted to be an artist, a WNBA player, a teacher, and finally I found my passion for the law and put all my efforts into becoming a lawyer.

What is the one thing that best prepared you for a legal career?: Being involved in clubs, community organizations, and sports teams where I could take a leadership position.

Please offer one piece of advice or motivation for high school students interested in the legal field: As soon as you can, find a mentor in the legal profession who can help guide you through all the highs and lows of one day entering the legal profession.