Resource Directory: Michigan Law Schools

Western Michigan University Cooley Law School thumbnail

Cooley Law School

300 S Capitol Ave

Lansing, 48933

(517) 371-5140

President & Dean James McGrath



Michigan State University College of Law thumbnailMichigan State University College of Law

368 Law College Bldg

648 N Shaw Lane

East Lansing, 48824-1300

(517) 432-6800

Dean Michael Sant'Ambrogio

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law thumbnailUniversity of Detroit Mercy School of Law

651 E Jefferson Ave

Detroit, 48226-4386

(313) 596-0200

Dean Nicholas Schroeck

University of Michigan Law School thumbnailUniversity of Michigan Law School

Hutchins Hall

625 S State St

Ann Arbor, 48109-1215

(734) 764-1358

Interim Dean Kyle D. Logue

Wayne State University Law School thumbnailWayne State University Law School

471 W Palmer

Detroit, 48202

(313) 577-3933

Dean Richard Bierschbach