Six Easy Steps to Improve SEO
So what is SEO? Search Engine Optimization is focused on finding ways to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your web page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand. Did you know that one of the benefits of the enhanced member directory can be an improved search results listing on the Internet? Find out how opting in to your free personalized vanity URL and making a few other quick additions to your profile can help raise your ranking in Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. Following these steps will help draw more attention to your experience, areas of expertise, background, and location information.
- Use your SBM member login to access your member directory powered by Zeekbeek account. Click on the Actions button in the top right and select Edit Profile.
- Because the State Bar of Michigan recognizes the importance of your name, we've added a new service to your profile selection—a personalized vanity URL (Web address) that uses the lawyer’s name rather than a string of numbers. You can create your personal vanity URL in the General section. A suggested URL (i.e.[myname]) is already filled in. Accept the suggested name or select another and click the orange Update button. This will allow consumers to directly link to your profile page.
- In the General section, click the blue Edit button, and proceed to enter as much relevant information in the Biography section as possible. It is very important that you focus the following relevant and searchable information in your first 155 characters:
- Your practice areas of emphasis
- Your full name
- Your relationship with the State Bar of Michigan, i.e. member
- In the Business Contact Information section, make sure you add your personal website, and update your address to reflect your business location
- In the Practice Area section, under the sub section Custom Keywords, we recommend adding your full name plus “Zeekbeek,” your full name plus each practice area, and any phrases that reflect your profile locally (i.e. “dui lawyer 48206,” “estate planner grand rapids”). Practice Note: Please avoid using phrases that create unrealistic expectations, such as: “We always win” or “Best divorce lawyer ever.” If you have questions regarding the ethical use of particular phrases, please contact the SBM Ethics Helpline at (877) 558-4760 to receive an informal, advisory opinion from a staff attorney regarding an ethics issue.
- On your law firm or personal legal website, add a button somewhere on your home page or contact information, perhaps in the site footer, that links to your vanity URL.
- Add your Social Media Accounts in the Edit Profile section. Since SEO is about content, setting up a Google+ account and linking your vanity URL and cross references to blog and publication info produced on the Zeekbeek site can greatly help bring your profile to a higher search engine relevance. Also in Facebook like the Zeekbeek business page and follow the Zeekbeek Twitter feed after adding your “handles” to your profile to increase the SEO relevance of search results.
If you need assistance with setting up any of your profile information, please contact the Zeekbeek Help Desk. They are standing by to assist you free of charge.
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